Name : Rajan Kumar Gangadhari Title : Is driving an electric two-wheeler (E2W) safe? Analysing safety risk factors of E2W considering the quality and reliability criteria Authors: Pradeep Kumar Tarei, Rajan Kumar Gangadhari , Kapil Gumte Journal: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Volume: Published 13 November 2024 URL:
The purpose of this research is to identify and analyse the perceived risk factors affecting the safety of electric two-wheeler (E2W) riders in urban areas. Given the exponential growth of the global E2W market and the notable challenges offered by E2W vehicles as compared to electric cars, the study aims to propose a managerial framework, to increase the penetration of E2W in the emerging market, as a reliable, and sustainable mobility alternative.
Pandemics tend to significantly disrupt the global business landscape, but they primarily impact the hospitality industry. Meanwhile, in such a scenario, online purchasing experienced a remarkable surge, particularly through food delivery apps. Fear’s impact on food delivery app usage has received little attention. Our study addresses this gap by exploring how fear and perceived threat influence consumers’ search efforts for online food, ultimately affecting their experience. We have analyzed data using PLS-SEM, and our results indicate how fear and perceived threats affect customers’ search behavior. These findings can help businesses improve user experiences, address fears, and manage uncertainty in food delivery app usage during the pandemic.
Name : Sarath Babu Title : Exploring the enablers of virtual tourism experiences for Gen Z Authors: Payel Das, Manoj Gaur Chintaluri, Santanu Mandal, Sarath Babu, V.V. Prasad Kotni, Raghu Raman Journal: Journal of Advances in Management Research Volume: Published 25 October 2024 URL:
This study explored the enabler role of novelty-seeking and materialistic values on technology-based outcomes: usefulness, ease of use and enjoyment of virtual tourism. Furthermore, this study explored the direct effects of Gen Z’s word-of-mouth intentions. The study also explored the contingent effects of gender and educational level.
Name : Sourabh Bhattacharya Title : Blockchain in Closed-Loop Supply Chain: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya, Pushpesh Pant, Areti Sai Harish Journal: Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective Volume: Published 19 October 2024 URL:
This article investigates the potential applications of blockchain technology (BCT) in a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) using a systematic review of the literature. As a result, this study has used the Scopus database for a detailed search strategy to identify relevant studies on different applications of BCT in the context of CLSC. This article has employed a theme analysis approach and focuses specifically on peer-reviewed documents. Based on the themes and sub-themes, the CLSC literature has been divided into four clusters: ‘Barriers and enablers of blockchain implementation’, ‘Blockchain application in sustainability’, ‘Blockchain application in enabling soft supply chain dynamics’ and ‘Blockchain application in addressing inventory and other problems’. These four clusters are analysed to present future research areas on BCT applications in a CLSC, using a ‘results-systematization framework’. This study will provide valuable insights and understanding to researchers in advancing BCT-CLSC research. Moreover, practitioners and policymakers, who are interested in the implementation and execution of firm-level BCT in CLSC, will be greatly benefitted in terms of sustainable and efficient CLSC operations.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Blockchain in Closed-Loop Supply Chain: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya, Pushpesh Pant, Areti Sai Harish Journal: Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective Volume: Published 19 October 2024 URL:
This article investigates the potential applications of blockchain technology (BCT) in a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) using a systematic review of the literature. As a result, this study has used the Scopus database for a detailed search strategy to identify relevant studies on different applications of BCT in the context of CLSC. This article has employed a theme analysis approach and focuses specifically on peer-reviewed documents. Based on the themes and sub-themes, the CLSC literature has been divided into four clusters: ‘Barriers and enablers of blockchain implementation’, ‘Blockchain application in sustainability’, ‘Blockchain application in enabling soft supply chain dynamics’ and ‘Blockchain application in addressing inventory and other problems’. These four clusters are analysed to present future research areas on BCT applications in a CLSC, using a ‘results-systematization framework’. This study will provide valuable insights and understanding to researchers in advancing BCT-CLSC research. Moreover, practitioners and policymakers, who are interested in the implementation and execution of firm-level BCT in CLSC, will be greatly benefitted in terms of sustainable and efficient CLSC operations.
Name : Aindrila Chatterjee Title : Rural Women Microentrepreneurs, Consumer Acquisition, and Value Delivery: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Rural India Authors: Aindrila Chatterjee, Amit Chauradia, Kiran Pedada Journal: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Volume: Published 23 September 2024 URL:
Gender equality and social impact are gaining significant research attention in marketing. This paper investigates the impact of recruiting rural women microentrepreneurs on acquiring consumers and delivering value to them. We study the outcomes from a quasi-experiment in which a social enterprise recruited a group of women to become microentrepreneurs in 91 out of 164 locations (panchayats) across rural districts in India. We show that the rural locations with more women than men microentrepreneurs experienced a 40.8% increase in consumer acquisition and delivered 64.1% greater value to their consumers. Moreover, these locations with more women than men microentrepreneurs delivered $5,445 more value for women consumers. Men microentrepreneurs who work in inclusive settings with other women microentrepreneurs delivered $25,100 more value to their consumers than men microentrepreneurs working in predominantly male-work environments. This research contributes to the intersection of marketing, social entrepreneurship, and gender dynamics, underscoring the importance of empowering women for better marketing and societal outcomes.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Enablers of new business density: a comparison between developed and developing countries using deep learning and explainable AI Authors: Paritosh Pramanik, Rabin K. Jana, Indranil Ghosh Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal Volume: Published 27 August 2024 URL:
New business density (NBD) is the ratio of the number of newly registered liability corporations to the working-age population per year. NBD is critical to assessing a country's business environment. The present work endeavors to discover and gauge the contribution of 28 potential socio-economic enablers of NBD for 2006–2021 across developed and developing economies separately and to make a comparative assessment between those two regions.
Name : Tumpa Dey Title : Leveraging AI In Marketing, HR And Finance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Optimizing Organizational Performance Authors: Mitrajit Biswas, Dr. Tumpa Dey, Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Gautam, Dr George Abraham, Advocate Varun Goel Journal: Library Progress International Volume: Vol 44, No 3, Published 31 July 2024 URL:
This research focuses on the cross-cutting roles of AI in the management; marketing, human resources, and finance departments to enhance organizational performance. It seeks to assess the suitable AI techniques and the method of incorporating them for the improvement of the performance of these areas. Methodology: Qualitative and quantitative data were collected in the present study. Conducted primary research surveys with the experts and managers of the marketing, human resource, and financial sectors to know more about the modern uses of AI and their effects. Exploratory research was conducted, and case studies of the organizations that applied AI were identified and studied; the performance indicators of organizations before and after they applied AI were also quantitatively measured.
The ubiquity of workplace incivility, as well as the serious repercussions associated with it, has led many scholars to examine the different dynamics of this concern. The present study is based on JD-R (Job Demands-Resources) theory, by considering Incivility, Abusive Supervision, and Dehumanization as job demands and Perceptions of organizational Support and Justice, Employee Voice as job resources. A model had been developed to study the relationship between Abusive supervision, Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice with Dehumanization being a mediator which also includes the extent to which Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support influence the relationship between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice. The study of this comprehensive mix had not yet been or in limited combination, was done by researchers. The study is done on employees of SMEs and IT/ITES companies; and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling), Moderation, Mediation modules were used in jamovi software to analyse the data to arrive at outputs and interpretations at confidence level of 95%. The results indicated that at significance level of 0.05; Abusive Supervision, Incivility, Dehumanization, Employee Voice, and Perception of Organizational Support are all linked to Perception of Organizational Justice. However, only the prediction of Abusive Supervision by Perception of Organizational Justice is significant. Further, the mediation analysis confirmed that there is no significant mediation of Dehumanization between Abusive Supervision and Perception of Organizational Justice, and between Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice though 37% and 86.8% of the total effect is explained by indirect effect respectively. The moderation analysis confirmed that Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support are not significant mediators in relation between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice though at High value of moderator: Employee Voice the effect is significant and at Low level of moderator: Perception of Organizational Support the effect is significant. Organizations can use this model to vary the perceptions by controlling the mentioned constructs and also, they can take few preventive measures by using the interpretation of study that at high level of Dehumanization and high level of Employee Voice, the Perception of Organizational Justice increases; and that at high level of Dehumanization and low level of Perception of Organizational Support, the Perception of Organizational Justice decreases. However, the insignificance of effects of few constructs in the model may be due to influence of sample size, model complexity, and other factors on parameter estimates. Hence organizations are advised to note that few effects which are been shown as insignificant in output may be having significant effects in real scenarios.
The ubiquity of workplace incivility, as well as the serious repercussions associated with it, has led many scholars to examine the different dynamics of this concern. The present study is based on JD-R (Job Demands-Resources) theory, by considering Incivility, Abusive Supervision, and Dehumanization as job demands and Perceptions of organizational Support and Justice, Employee Voice as job resources. A model had been developed to study the relationship between Abusive supervision, Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice with Dehumanization being a mediator which also includes the extent to which Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support influence the relationship between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice. The study of this comprehensive mix had not yet been or in limited combination, was done by researchers. The study is done on employees of SMEs and IT/ITES companies; and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling), Moderation, Mediation modules were used in jamovi software to analyse the data to arrive at outputs and interpretations at confidence level of 95%. The results indicated that at significance level of 0.05; Abusive Supervision, Incivility, Dehumanization, Employee Voice, and Perception of Organizational Support are all linked to Perception of Organizational Justice. However, only the prediction of Abusive Supervision by Perception of Organizational Justice is significant. Further, the mediation analysis confirmed that there is no significant mediation of Dehumanization between Abusive Supervision and Perception of Organizational Justice, and between Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice though 37% and 86.8% of the total effect is explained by indirect effect respectively. The moderation analysis confirmed that Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support are not significant mediators in relation between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice though at High value of moderator: Employee Voice the effect is significant and at Low level of moderator: Perception of Organizational Support the effect is significant. Organizations can use this model to vary the perceptions by controlling the mentioned constructs and also, they can take few preventive measures by using the interpretation of study that at high level of Dehumanization and high level of Employee Voice, the Perception of Organizational Justice increases; and that at high level of Dehumanization and low level of Perception of Organizational Support, the Perception of Organizational Justice decreases. However, the insignificance of effects of few constructs in the model may be due to influence of sample size, model complexity, and other factors on parameter estimates. Hence organizations are advised to note that few effects which are been shown as insignificant in output may be having significant effects in real scenarios.
The ubiquity of workplace incivility, as well as the serious repercussions associated with it, has led many scholars to examine the different dynamics of this concern. The present study is based on JD-R (Job Demands-Resources) theory, by considering Incivility, Abusive Supervision, and Dehumanization as job demands and Perceptions of organizational Support and Justice, Employee Voice as job resources. A model had been developed to study the relationship between Abusive supervision, Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice with Dehumanization being a mediator which also includes the extent to which Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support influence the relationship between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice. The study of this comprehensive mix had not yet been or in limited combination, was done by researchers. The study is done on employees of SMEs and IT/ITES companies; and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling), Moderation, Mediation modules were used in jamovi software to analyse the data to arrive at outputs and interpretations at confidence level of 95%. The results indicated that at significance level of 0.05; Abusive Supervision, Incivility, Dehumanization, Employee Voice, and Perception of Organizational Support are all linked to Perception of Organizational Justice. However, only the prediction of Abusive Supervision by Perception of Organizational Justice is significant. Further, the mediation analysis confirmed that there is no significant mediation of Dehumanization between Abusive Supervision and Perception of Organizational Justice, and between Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice though 37% and 86.8% of the total effect is explained by indirect effect respectively. The moderation analysis confirmed that Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support are not significant mediators in relation between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice though at High value of moderator: Employee Voice the effect is significant and at Low level of moderator: Perception of Organizational Support the effect is significant. Organizations can use this model to vary the perceptions by controlling the mentioned constructs and also, they can take few preventive measures by using the interpretation of study that at high level of Dehumanization and high level of Employee Voice, the Perception of Organizational Justice increases; and that at high level of Dehumanization and low level of Perception of Organizational Support, the Perception of Organizational Justice decreases. However, the insignificance of effects of few constructs in the model may be due to influence of sample size, model complexity, and other factors on parameter estimates. Hence organizations are advised to note that few effects which are been shown as insignificant in output may be having significant effects in real scenarios.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Maritime Fuel Price Prediction of European Ports using Least Square Boosting and Facebook Prophet: Additional Insights from Explainable Artificial Intelligence Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Arijit De Journal: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume: Vol 189, Published 23 July 2024 URL:
Prediction of bunker fuel spot prices at a port and understanding the dependence on key determinants is an arduous and challenging activity. The present work strives to analyze the temporal spectrum of daily spot prices of Very Low Sulphur fuel Oil (VLSFO), a critical bunker fuel, in five European Ports, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Gothenburg, Hamburg, and Rotterdam. The lack of prior research in the allied domain has motivated to undertake the modeling of VLSFO spot prices through the lens of applied predictive analytics. The Least Square Boosting (LSBoost) and Facebook Prophet algorithms are used to draw forecasts in multivariate framework leveraging constructs related to the same fuel prices at different ports, different fuel prices at the same ports, economic indicator, etc. The dynamics have been explicitly examined during the Russia-Ukraine military conflict. Additionally, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) frameworks have been used to demystify the influence of the chosen explanatory variables at a granular scale. The overall findings espouse the effectiveness of the predictive framework in accurately estimating spot prices of VLSFO in any of the selected ports, and the same heavily depends on VLSFO prices at different ports.
Name : Krishna Dixit Title : The Effects of CEO Duality, Board Size, and Informal Social Networks on Sustainable Innovation and Firm Performance. Corporate Ownership & Control Authors: Krishna Dixit, Reshmi Manna, Ankit Singh Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control Volume: Vol 21 Issue no 2, Published 4 June 2024 URL:
Corporate governance affects the ownership and control of a firm. Conflicts between agents, managers and shareholders caused the crises of WorldCom, Enron, Tyco and Lehman Brothers. Therefore, the impact of chief executive officer (CEO) duality or board size on sustainable innovation and performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is relevant for research and evaluation. This may reflect the CEO style that supports long-term business growth with limited resources to enhance accountability, fast decision-making, and minimise hindrances to governance, particularly in emerging markets like India. The finding will help SMEs in maintaining their long-term viability. The current study examines the impact of CEO duality, board size, and informal social networks on sustainable innovation, governance, and performance of Indian SMEs to enable management to assess the significance of factors that contribute to firms’ sustainable performance.
Name : Praveen Puram Title : Understanding the challenges affecting food-sharing apps’ usage: insights using a text-mining and interpretable machine learning approach Authors: Praveen Puram, Soumya Roy, Anand Gurumurthy Journal: Annals of Operations Research Volume: Published 27 June 2024 URL:
Food waste is a serious problem affecting societies and contributing to climate change. About one-third of all food produced globally is wasted, while millions of people remain food insecure. Food-sharing apps attempt to simultaneously address ‘hunger’ and ‘food waste’ at the community level. Though highly beneficial, these apps experience low usage. Existing studies have explored multiple challenges affecting food-sharing usage, but are constrained by limited data and narrow geographical focus. To address this gap, this study analyzes online user reviews from top food-sharing apps operating globally. A unique approach of analyzing text data with interpretable machine learning (IML) tools is utilized. Eight challenges affecting food-sharing app usage are obtained using the topic modeling approach. Further, the review scores representing user experience (UX) are assessed for their dependence on each challenge using the document-topic matrix and machine learning (ML) procedures. Tree-based ML algorithms, namely regression tree, bagging, random forest, boosting, and Bayesian additive regression tree are employed. The best-performing algorithm is then complemented with IML tools such as accumulated local effects and partial dependence plots, to assess the impact of each challenge on UX. Critical improvement areas to increase food-sharing apps’ usage are highlighted, such as service responsiveness, app design, food variety, and unethical behavior. This study contributes to the nascent literature on food-sharing and IML applications. A significant advantage of the methodological approach utilized includes better explainability of ML models involving text data, at both the global and local interpretability levels, in terms of the associated features and feature interactions.
Name : Tumpa Dey Title : WHAT IS WORKPLACE INCIVILITY AND WHY DOES IT HAPPEN? Authors: Tumpa Dey Journal: Asian And Pacific Economic Review Volume: Vol. 17, No. 1, 2024, Published 14 June 2024 URL:
Workplace incivility refers to rude or disrespectful behaviour that occurs within a work setting. It can take many different forms, including things like belittling comments, gossiping, passive-aggressive behaviour, and excluding individuals from group activities. In extreme cases, it may even involve behaviours that are discriminatory, harassing, or abusive.
Even though workplace incivility is a pervasive issue in many organizations, it can be difficult to define or quantify. Some people may view certain behaviours as harmless teasing, while others may see the same actions as overtly hostile. However, research has shown that even seemingly minor acts of incivility can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations.
One of the biggest concerns with workplace incivility is its impact on employee well-being. When individuals are exposed to rude or hostile behaviour from their co-workers or superiors, they may experience negative emotions like anger, anxiety, or depression. This, in turn, can lead to reduced job satisfaction, increased stress, and even physical health problems like hypertension.
In addition to its effects on employee well-being, workplace incivility can also have significant implications for organizational outcomes. For example, it can lower employee motivation and productivity, reduce cooperation and collaboration, and lead to increased absenteeism and turnover. It can also damage the reputation of the organization and undermine its ability to attract and retain talented employees.
There are many factors that can contribute to workplace incivility. In some cases, it may be a result of individual personality traits or interpersonal conflicts between co-workers. In other cases, it may stem from broader organizational issues like poor leadership, lack of communication, or inadequate resources. Whatever the root causes, it is important for organizations to take proactive steps to address and prevent workplace incivility.
Overall, workplace incivility is a complex and multifaceted issue that can have far-reaching consequences for both individuals and organizations. By taking proactive steps to prevent and address incivility, organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone involved.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : AI readiness enablers in developed and developing economies: Findings from the XGBoost regression and explainable AI framework Authors: Paritosh Pramanik, Rabin K. Jana, Indranil Ghosh Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: Published 7 June 2024 URL:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) readiness enablers are crucial factors related to businesses in a developed or developing economy. With the help of machine learning (ML) approaches like extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) regression, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), and explainable boosting machine (EBM), we identify the enablers influencing AI readiness in business. We select 20 developed and 20 developing nations based on the data available from the World Bank, United Nations, and Stanford-Human-Centered AI data repositories. We initially identified 33 factors influencing AI readiness in business for both sets of countries. The XGBoost regression results imply that the AI readiness of developing countries is marginally more predictable than that of developed nations. The outcome of the XAI indicates that three influential AI readiness factors - scientific research output, internet infrastructure, and public consumption expense are common and behave similarly for both developed and developing countries. The research findings have significant practical implications for monitoring and augmenting the end-to-end AI ecosystem to leverage the true potential of digital transformation. Predictive modeling with adequate interpretation helps to identify the impact of the crucial levers of AI readiness in business.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Macroeconomic shocks, market uncertainty and speculative bubbles: a decomposition-based predictive model of Indian stock markets Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Tamal Datta Chaudhuri, Sunita Sarkar, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Anol Roy Journal: China Finance Review International Volume: Published 31 May 2024 URL:
Stock markets are essential for households for wealth creation and for firms for raising financial resources for capacity expansion and growth. Market participants, therefore, need an understanding of stock price movements. Stock market indices and individual stock prices reflect the macroeconomic environment and are subject to external and internal shocks. It is important to disentangle the impact of macroeconomic shocks, market uncertainty and speculative elements and examine them separately for prediction. To aid households, firms and policymakers, the paper proposes a granular decomposition-based prediction framework for different time periods in India, characterized by different market states with varying degrees of uncertainty.
Name : Shaon Sen Title : Influence of External and Situational Stimulus Factors on Impulse Buying: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Framework Authors: Shaon Sen Journal: Indian Journal of Marketing Volume: Volume 54, Issue 5, Published 15 May 2024 URL:
This study aimed to develop a research model that incorporated the cognitive (useful) and affective (hedonic) motivations that influence the relationship between external and situational stimuli on consumers’ impulsive buying while adopting the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework. The study has proposed a number of situational and external cues that, through the customers’ affective and cognitive incentives, stimulate their impulsivity toward purchasing.
An important topic of study in organisational studies is the link between Human Resource Management (HRM) practises and how happy employees are with their jobs. It's important for companies, especially Small Scale Manufacturing Enterprises (SSMEs), to know how HRM practises affect employee satisfaction as the modern workplace changes all the time. To be satisfied with your job, you need to feel good about your physical, mental, and emotional responses to your workplace. How well HRM practises work has a big impact on these responses, which in turn affects employees' general health and productivity. Small and medium-sized businesses (SSMEs) may have a more flexible organisational structure and a close-knit work culture. This means that HRM practises can have a big impact on job happiness. As a result, it is important to understand how HRM practises affect not only job satisfaction but also the culture and success of small and medium-sized businesses as a whole. When it comes to small and medium-sized businesses (SSMEs), HRM practises have a more complex effect on job happiness because these businesses have limited resources, unique operational challenges, and a close-knit work environment. This study will help both academics and business people by shedding light on best practises that can improve the working conditions of small and medium-sized businesses (SSMEs), leading to a more efficient and happy workforce. HRM practises and employee job satisfaction in the specific context of small-scale manufacturing enterprises is what this study tries to look into.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Reflections of public perception of Russia-Ukraine conflict and Metaverse on the financial outlook of Metaverse coins: Fresh evidence from Reddit sentiment analysis Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García-Rubio Journal: International Review of Financial Analysis Volume: Vol 93, Published 15 March, 2024 URL:
The present work endeavors to thoroughly examine the dependence of daily closing prices of Metaverse coins on external social media sentiment on Russia's military invasion of Ukraine and the potential benefits of Metaverse technology. We collate the worldwide media chatter on the Ukraine war and uncover the dynamic association with four Metaverse coins by applying wavelet coherence analysis. Subsequently, we systematically estimate the sentiment of discussions on the Reddit community on two topics, namely, the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Metaverse, to gauge their impact separately on the chosen tokens. Nonlinear association mining and forecasting exercises are carried out to comprehend the predictability of the Metaverse financial assets using the respective sentiment components. The predictive framework utilizes Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-tuned Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBR) for feature transformation and fetching forecasts, respectively. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods are utilized to interpret the prediction process for unveiling the feature contributions. The findings suggest that the dependence between the Metaverse coins and media chatter on the Russia-Ukraine war primarily prevails in short and medium-run scales, and the Reddit sentiments on the same and Metaverse can be effectively leveraged for estimating future figures and trends.
Name : Nikhil Rastogi Title : Does bankruptcy law affect the relation between leverage and firm performance? Authors: Nikhil Rastogi, Satish Kumar Journal: Indian Growth and Development Review Volume: Vol. 17 No. 1, Published 14 March, 2024 URL:
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of bankruptcy reform in the year 2016 on the relation between leverage and firm performance for Indian firms, separately for business group and standalone firms.
Name : Sourabh Bhattacharya Title : Applications of artificial intelligence in closed-loop supply chains: Systematic literature review and future research agenda Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya, Kannan Govindan, Surajit Ghosh Dastidar, Preeti Sharma Journal: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume: Vol 184, Published 27 February, 2024 URL:
In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Closed-loop Supply Chains (CLSC). Through a systematic and unbiased search, we select 303 peer-reviewed articles and examined them to understand the prevalent publication trends, most impactful studies, most influential authors, and most popular journals. We further identify ten most popular AI techniques and evaluated their applications in several CLSC subfields. We identify seven CLSC subfields that can benefit significantly from AI in future. Consequently, we provide a framework containing fifteen research questions that can guide future research on AI applications in CLSC.
Name : Surajit Ghosh Dastidar Title : Applications of artificial intelligence in closed-loop supply chains: Systematic literature review and future research agenda Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya, Kannan Govindan, Surajit Ghosh Dastidar, Preeti Sharma Journal: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume: Vol 184, Published 27 February, 2024 URL:
In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Closed-loop Supply Chains (CLSC). Through a systematic and unbiased search, we select 303 peer-reviewed articles and examined them to understand the prevalent publication trends, most impactful studies, most influential authors, and most popular journals. We further identify ten most popular AI techniques and evaluated their applications in several CLSC subfields. We identify seven CLSC subfields that can benefit significantly from AI in future. Consequently, we provide a framework containing fifteen research questions that can guide future research on AI applications in CLSC.
Name : Kalyana C. Chejarla Title : A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach for longitudinal data Authors: Kalyana C. Chejarla, Omkarprasad S. Vaidya Journal: OPSEARCH Volume: Published 4 February, 2024 URL:
The purpose of this paper is to propose an approach to meet the need for a robust, longitudinal, and an objective multi-criteria decision-making method. This paper presents a hybrid approach that uses time-series data to produce multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) based future rankings of alternatives. The suggested approach leverages the strengths of existing methods such as grey forecasting for small sample prediction, Criteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation (CRITIC) for objective criteria weighting, Multiplicative, Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MULTIMOORA) for robust aggregation, and a combination of rank integration methods. The proposed approach is illustrated using the case of the Logistics Performance Index dataset published by the World Bank for The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Further, results are compared with the aggregate ranks published by the World bank (2010–2018), and the differences are discussed. Practitioners would find the suggested approach useful because of its predictive ability, versatility, objectivity, and robustness of results. Further, the suggested approach is a useful contribution to existing research in terms of providing a MCDM method to generate future ranks.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Overcoming strategies for supply chain digitization barriers: Implications for sustainable development goals Authors: Krishna Kumar Dadsena, Pushpesh Pant, Sanjoy Kumar Paul, Saurabh Pratap Journal: Business Strategy and the Environment Volume: Published 19 January, 2024 URL:
This paper examines barriers to supply chain digitization (SCD) and offers mitigation strategies, focusing on sustainable development goals (SDGs), technological adoption, and financial constraints. A hybrid research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, has been used to analyze significant SCD barriers and strategies under budget constraints. According to the findings, “lack of proper research and development facility” is the most influential barrier to SCD. The overcoming strategies are then ranked by how likely they are to be implemented in response to barriers. From a sustainability perspective, “improving privacy and security” is identified as the most important strategy. Further, a mathematical model is developed to facilitate investment-related decision-making by determining the most suitable overcoming strategies under budget constraints. The proposed mathematical model is evaluated across a range of investments and for a set of overcoming strategies within a given scenario. The findings demonstrate that optimal investments of $1.78 million can cover the top two overcoming strategies for implementation. Furthermore, the results indicate that a minimum investment of $1.9 million is required to adopt all 10 overcoming strategies.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Modelling financial stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Prediction and deeper insights Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K. Jana, Roubaud David, Oksana Grebinevych, Peter Wanke, Yong Tan Journal: International Review of Economics & Finance Volume: Vol 91, Published 18 January, 2024 URL:
We model the evolutionary patterns of financial stress (FS) for the USA, other advanced economies (OAE), and emerging market (EM) regions during the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose an AI-driven framework to draw meaningful and actionable insights. A set of technical indicators and several allied macroeconomic features are chosen as explanatory variables filtered using the BorutaShap algorithm. We use Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) based unsupervised feature processing to obtain a better representative structure. The set of engineered features is used to construct a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network (BLSTM) model to estimate the future values of FS across three regions. The outcome suggests that FS can be predicted during the extremely challenging COVID-19 pandemic, which is vital to evaluate the readiness toward digital transition of conventional financial services. The social media sentiment-based feature is significant for the US and OAE. The macroeconomic construct of WTI crude oil price is substantial for OAE and EM.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : A novel granular decomposition based predictive modeling framework for cryptocurrencies' prices forecasting Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K. Jana , Dinesh K. Sharma Journal: China Finance Review International Volume: Published : 8 January, 2024 URL:
Owing to highly volatile and chaotic external events, predicting future movements of cryptocurrencies is a challenging task. This paper advances a granular hybrid predictive modeling framework for predicting the future figures of Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM) and Tether (USDT) during normal and pandemic regimes.
The paper’s objective is to measure the drivers of oversubscription of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in India. Data from cross-sections are used in the investigation to analyse 179 IPOs issued from Jan 2009 to Dec 2020 and listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE) to examine the essential causes of IPO oversubscription. The study uses least square regression, robust regression and quantile regression approach to study the imperative factors of oversubscription of IPOs in India. The findings of the study suggest that issue price, underwriter’s reputation showed positive and significant association with oversubscription and listing delays and pricing mechanism showed negative and significant association with oversubscription. For the purpose of understanding the causes of oversubscription, the current study is restricted to a small number of variables. Future studies should include more variables like macro-economic variables which effects the oversubscription of IPOs. The study's conclusions have repercussions for academics, financial advisors, and regulators. It provides useful insights to researchers by listing the factors effecting the oversubscription of IPOs in emerging markets like India. By investigating the connection, this study adds something new to the body of literature on initial public offerings by examining the relationship between pre-IPO firm action like issue price, issue size, price mechanism, listing delay, underwriter’s reputation, boom market, oversubscription and undersubscription from the context of emerging markets like Indian and during post global financial crisis.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Structural Supply Chain Complexity Index and Construct Validity: A Data-Driven Empirical Approach Authors: Pushpesh Pant, Shantanu Dutta, S.P. Sarmah Journal: International Journal of Emerging Markets Volume: Published 6 November, 2023 URL:
Given the lack of focus on a standardized measurement framework (e.g. benchmarking tool) to assess and quantify complexity within the supply chain, this study has developed a unified supply chain complexity (SCC) index and validated its utility by examining the relationship with firm performance. More importantly, it examines the role of firm owners' business knowledge, sales strategy and board management on the relationship between SCC and firm performance.
Name : Arun kumar biswal Title : A Review on Different Methods of CO2 Capture, Separation and Utilization Authors: Dipa Das, Tushar Agarwal, Arun Kumar Biswal Journal: Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume: Published : 7 August, 2023 URL:
The increasing threats of global warming and climate change from anthropogenic Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions require a fundamental shift to a sustainable and environmentally friendly industry practise. Carbon Capture and Storage can reduce CO2 emissions (85–90%) from large point emission sources. The proposed review aims at realization of an integrated adsorption unit to capture, recover, and utilize this potentially harmful gas. For successful deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage, it is necessary to develop a cost and energy efficient CO2 capture and separation method along with the best reactor configuration which can be implemented as per our requirements. Adsorption-based CO2 capture has enjoyed considerable research attention in recent years. Most of the research efforts focused on sorbent development to reduce the energy penalty. However, the use of suitable gas–solid contacting systems is the key for extracting the full potential from the sorbent to minimize operating and capital costs and accelerate the commercial deployment of the technology. This review paper focuses on CO2 capture, its separation and utilization. It also focuses on different adsorbent materials with high selectivity and high capture capacity.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Clean energy stock price forecasting and response to macroeconomic variables: A novel framework using Facebook's Prophet, NeuralProphet and explainable AI Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: Volume 200, Published : December 28, 2023. URL:
The clean energy market analysis has seen a strong surge in the post-Paris agreement owing to its undeniable environmental sustainability. The present work investigates the predictability of clean energy investment in the US market by selecting eight sectoral stock indices. The predictive exercise is carried out separately during pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 timelines to draw key behavioral aspects of the underlying sectors. After scrutiny of previous research, we identify a set of technical and macroeconomic variables as explanatory constructs. We then utilize Facebook's Prophet and Neural Prophet to find future figures for the clean energy indices. Finally, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is used to draw deeper insights into the contribution patterns of the constituent explanatory variables and obtain their relative importance. The findings suggest that the future movements of the sectoral clean energy assets can be predicted with a very high level of accuracy. Also, the predictability marginally improves during the COVID-19 pandemic despite the unprecedented uncertainty. Technical indicators appear to be the dominant features, while market sentiment and fear exert significant influence.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Modeling hydro, nuclear, and renewable electricity generation in India: An atom search optimization-based EEMD-DBSCAN framework and explainable AI. Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez , Noelia García-Rubio Journal: Heliyon Volume: Volume 10, Issue 1 Published : December 10, 2023. URL:
Tracking clean electricity generation in developing economies is highly challenging owing to the influence of turbulent external factors. Clean electricity is a significant enabler of striving toward environmental sustainability. In this research, we aim to model hydro, nuclear, and renewable electricity generation in India through applied predictive modeling. We also strive to uncover the influence of the critical determinants responsible for clean electricity growth.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : From Clicks to Cuisine: Unveiling the Impact of Attitude and Positive Word of Mouth in Food Delivery App Usage Authors: Mahesh Ramalingam, Manoj Das Journal: Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing Volume: Published online: 23 Nov 2023 URL:
Our study examined the impact of social factors, attitude, usage experience, quality control, and trust on positive word of mouth regarding food delivery apps (FDAs) in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We utilized the UTAUT 2 and UGT theories to analyze data from a survey-based questionnaire distributed via Google Docs to 209 respondents. Through PLS-SEM analysis in Smart PLS-3.2.7 software, we found that social influence, societal pressure, attitude, quality control, and trust significantly influenced positive word of mouth. Additionally, we discovered that usage experience moderated the relationship between quality control/trust and positive word of mouth. By integrating UTAUT 2 and UGT, our research model provides a comprehensive framework for theoretical enrichment. This study sheds light on the impact of variables such as societal pressure, social influence, attitude, quality control, and positive word of mouth, offering valuable insights into recommendation behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Name : Neetu Mohammed Title : Are you so good that they can't ignore you? Effect of coworker support on knowledge sharing through an affective events theory perspective Authors: Neetu Mohammed, Abraham Cyril Issac Journal: American Business Review Volume: Volume 26, No 2, Published online: 14 Nov 2023 URL:
Drawing on affective events theory, this study considers knowledge sharing as an outcome of emotional responses resulting from an individual’s experience of workplace events. This study aimed to empirically examine how coworker support as a work event encourages employees’ knowledge contribution and knowledge-seeking behaviors through feelings of vitality. A structured, questionnaire-based survey was administered to 430 employees of knowledge-based organizations in India. The retrieved data were further analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that perceived coworker support positively influences the knowledge contribution and knowledge-seeking behavior of individuals in the workplace. Furthermore, vitality mediated the positive association between perceived coworker support and knowledge sharing. This implies that the perception of coworker support in the workplace augments employees’ feelings of vitality, which further motivates them to contribute to and seek knowledge from coworkers. Therefore, this study critically underscores the existence of a “performance loop” in knowledge sharing, as coworkers find it difficult to bypass an employee because of their outstanding performance and the fact that the same virtuous cycle elicits greater knowledge sharing by coworkers. Such perceived goodwill makes employees so good that they cannot be ignored within an organizational setting. This is a pioneering study investigating how coworker support in the workplace stimulates knowledge sharing among employees by considering the mediating effect of feelings of vitality. This study also contributes to the positive psychology and knowledge management literature by revealing the implications of vitality for extra-role behaviors such as knowledge sharing.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : Managerial networking behavior for grant acquisition in nonprofits: an application of the behavioral reasoning theory (BRT) Authors: Mahesh Ramalingam, Debadutta Kumar Panda Journal: International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing Volume: Published online: 10 Oct 2023 URL:
Managerial networking has been well studied in the public and nonprofit management literature; however, no study on managerial networking has been conducted from behavioral theories. This paper studied the managerial networking for grant acquisition in Indian Non-government Organizations (NGOs) from the Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT) perspective. The cross-sectional data (N = 590) was collected from project and program coordinators of NGOs in India. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM in SmartPLS V3.2.7. The study found that results align with behavioral theories in associating ‘value’ with ‘attitude’ but did not find an association between ‘attitude’ and ‘intention’. The ‘reason against’ and ‘reason for’ are partially mediated in the relationship between value and behavioral intention. Finally, the study concludes with practical implications and limitations.
Name : Tulika Sharma Title : Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Navigating Through the Covid Pandemic in India: an Examination Through the Systems Approach Authors: Debadutta Panda, Rohit Bhardwaj, Tulika Sharma, Sriharsha Reddy Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research Volume: Published online: 09 Oct 2023 URL:
In past couple of years, management scholars have developed significant literature on the impact of Covid pandemic across various business and organizations formats. Although, the extant literature studied various aspects of SMEs, but they did not explore the pandemic impact to SMEs from the lenses of the systems approach. We examined how SMEs navigated through the Covid pandemic from the systems theory. We engaged narrative inquiry method and captured narrations from CEOs/board members of thirty SMEs in India. The grounded theory approach was adopted to analyse the data. The study found that SMEs’ navigation through the pandemic was a complex and dynamic system encompassing input factors, immediate output, systemic output, navigating strategy, and policy environment. At the end, the study developed system-theoretic ecosystem framework of Covid impact on SMEs.
Name : Sriharsha Reddy Title : Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Navigating Through the Covid Pandemic in India: an Examination Through the Systems Approach Authors: Debadutta Panda, Rohit Bhardwaj, Tulika Sharma, Sriharsha Reddy Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research Volume: Published online: 09 Oct 2023 URL:
In past couple of years, management scholars have developed significant literature on the impact of Covid pandemic across various business and organizations formats. Although, the extant literature studied various aspects of SMEs, but they did not explore the pandemic impact to SMEs from the lenses of the systems approach. We examined how SMEs navigated through the Covid pandemic from the systems theory. We engaged narrative inquiry method and captured narrations from CEOs/board members of thirty SMEs in India. The grounded theory approach was adopted to analyse the data. The study found that SMEs’ navigation through the pandemic was a complex and dynamic system encompassing input factors, immediate output, systemic output, navigating strategy, and policy environment. At the end, the study developed system-theoretic ecosystem framework of Covid impact on SMEs.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : An explainable AI-enabled granular ensemble machine learning framework to demystify fertilizer price movements Authors: Rabin K. Jana, Indranil Ghosh, P. N. Ram Kumar Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume: Published online: 27 Sep 2023 URL:
This paper proposes a novel explainable artificial intelligence (AI) driven ensemble machine learning (ML) framework for predicting fertilizer price movements and assessing the contributions of the technical and macroeconomic indicators. We integrate the Boruta algorithm, Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transformation (MODWT), Random Forest (RF), and explainable AI. The predictive analytics exercise utilises the residual of the previous stage as an additional indicator for arriving at the subsequent stage forecasts. We observe a significant influence of the residual in providing forecasts for time series with higher frequencies. The explainable AI is used at the global and local levels to explain the impacts of the indicators on fertilizer price movements. We have used monthly urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP) prices for nearly the last 30 years for predictive analytics. The explainable AI identifies the more significant impacts of the technical indicators compared to macroeconomic counterparts in forecasting urea and DAP prices at the global level. Also, the price movements of urea and DAP are similar at the global level. On the contrary, macroeconomic indicators influence more at the local level. The CBOE volatility index for urea, geopolitical risk, and commodity industrial input for DAP significantly influence the price movements at the local level.
Name : Shaon Sen Title : Influence of social and economic factors on impulse buying: A research Framework Authors: Riya Sugla, Shaon Sen Journal: BIMTECH Business Perspectives Volume: Published online: 31 July 2023 URL:
The research aims to identify several social and economic factors expected to influence consumers’ impulsive buying. This research has adopted a scoping literature review approach to reach its findings and conclusions. The author has used keywords related to the area of study to shortlist various articles published by researchers. Also, an extensive iterative search approach is adopted to identify various research works published in established peer-reviewed national and international journals. All the research articles that pertain to this study’s specific aim are included; the rest are excluded from the study. The authors have performed an in-depth study of these papers to understand all the parameters. The authors have performed analysis of the results and findings of the reviewed research articles to identify economic and social factors that influence consumers’ impulse buying.
This article attempts to address two research questions using a large and longitudinal sample of manufacturing firms: (a) how does supply base (or supply-side) risk affect buying firm performance, and (b) how does the presence of supply chain executive in the firm’s top management team (TMT) moderate the performance effect of supply base risk? The study uses the Prowess database and Bloomberg to operationalize empirical proxies for supply base risk drivers. Panel data regression analyses are used to test the effect of supply base risk on buying firm performance considering Indian manufacturing firms. The results show that the supply base risk has a negative and significant effect on firm performance. Moreover, the findings of the study indicate that supply chain executive representation in the firm’s TMT alleviates the negative effects of supply base risk. This study develops an objective understanding of supply chain complexity by relying on secondary panel data.
Name : Steven Raj Padakandla Title : Fiscal Performance of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs): An Empirical Analysis of the State of Andhra Pradesh in Pre and Post-Bifurcation Period Authors: Jagadeesh Gontupulugu, Steven Raj Padakandla, Chandayya Makeni Journal: Journal of Rural Development Volume: Published online: 29 June 2023 URL:
The effectiveness of democratic decentralisation depends on the financial strength and independence of the local bodies. Financial autonomy is vital to reap the full potential benefits of decentralisation as the transfer of funds, functions, and functionaries will enable local bodies to be institutes of self -governance and not just delivery mechanisms. In the context of persistent fiscal distress across the local bodies, an attempt is made to empirically examine the fiscal performance of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Andhra Pradesh during 2010-11 to 2017-18, i.e. pre- and post-bifurcation periods of the State. The fiscal autonomy and the revenue dependency of PRIs across all three tiers in the State during the same period was also analysed. The study finds that the fiscal autonomy of top tiers, i.e. Mandal Praja Parishads (MPPs) and Zilla Praja Parishads (ZPPs) is negligible in both periods, while Gram Panchayats showed relatively better fiscal autonomy in both periods.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : A granular machine learning framework for forecasting high-frequency financial market variables during the recent black swan event Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: Volume 194, Published online: 24 June 2023 URL:
This paper analyses highly voluminous 1-minute intraday movements of the closing prices of Bitcoin, crude oil, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the euro–U.S. dollar exchange rate in various non-overlapping regimes spanning across the COVID-19 pandemic, a recent black swan event. The empirical characteristics of the intraday dynamics of chosen assets are gauged using nonlinear modelling tools and tests. The proposed methodological framework utilises maximal overlap discrete wavelet transformation, Bayesian structural time series forecasting and random walk with drift to evaluate the quantum of predictability of select variables in different phases across the pandemic horizon. The framework survives a series of performance and statistical checks to justify the efficacy of drawing highly accurate predictions from big data setups. The findings suggest that, despite chaotic traces, all variables can be precisely forecast across different sub-regimes, eliminating the adverse effects of the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. High-frequency movements of Bitcoin and Euro–U.S. dollar exchange rates are relatively better predictable, signifying resilience during the pandemic. Finally, the outcome of this research will help mitigate financial risk during volatile periods.
Name : Steven Raj Padakandla Title : Do NFTs act as a good hedge and safe haven against Cryptocurrency fluctuations? Authors: Anoop S Kumar, Steven Raj Padakandla Journal: Finance Research Letters Volume: Volume: 56, Published online: 20 June 2023 URL:
In this study, we test the hedge and safe haven properties of NFTs against Bitcoin and Ethereum market fluctuations in the backdrop of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war. We employ daily returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and four NFTS, namely Decentraland, Cryptopunks, Cryptokitties, and SuperRare, from 04 April 2018 to 7 July 2022. For analytical purposes, we estimate dynamic hedge effectiveness and wavelet quantile correlations. The dynamic hedge effectiveness results confirm the NFTs' hedge ability against Bitcoin. The WQC results show that NFTs offer short, medium, and long-run hedge properties and short run safe haven property against Bitcoin. Further, we show that NFTs are at best a short to medium term diversifier against Ethereum fluctuations.
Name : Devi Prasad Ghosh Title : Barriers and facilitators of B2B degree of digital use and brand engagement: an integration of technology and behavioral perspectives Authors: Deviprasad Ghosh, Satyabhusan Dash Journal: Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Volume: Volume: 38, Issue 12, Published online: 15 June 2023 URL:
This study aims to investigate the determinant factors as barriers and facilitators of the B2B degree of digital use and customer–brand engagement in travel services by applying technology and behavioral theories.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : The impact of IoT on manufacturing firm performance: the moderating role of firm-level IoT commitment and expertise Authors: Aishwarya Dash, Pushpesh Pant, S. P. Sarmah, M K Tiwari Journal: International Journal of Production Research Volume: Published online: 09 June 2023 URL:
The Internet of Things has received enormous attention. Despite the lucrative potential, this study tries to look beyond the hype to understand how IoT impacts firm performance. Based on the information processing theory, we intend to explore how IoT influences the financial performance of firms. Firms, which realise the urgent need to adopt IoT might encounter a diverse set of challenges, like whether adoption will be profitable, the level of commitment they should devote, and whether to adopt as a first or second-mover. We want to comprehend such adoption challenges on the Indian manufacturing firm's financial performance. This study uses panel data from BSE 500 listed manufacturing firms and conducts multivariate analysis to understand the relationship between the IoT implementation proxies: IoT adoption, first-mover advantage, and firm performance in the light of IoT commitment and experts. The result indicates that IoT implementation has an insignificant effect on manufacturing firm performance. Meanwhile, the consideration of IoT commitment and experts jointly can enable a manufacturing firm to reap significantly positive financial outcomes. In other words, the IoT commitment and expertise positively moderate the relationship. The finding is useful to the decision-makers to address the firm-level adjustment before the mere introduction of IoT.
Name : Suvvari Ananda Rao Title : An enquiry into extreme price movements of the cryptocurrencies in the backdrop of COVID-19 Authors: Suvvari Anandarao, Balaga Mohana Rao, Anoop S Kumar Journal: Theoretical and Applied Economics Volume: No. 2 / 2023 (635), Published online: June 2023 URL:
Our paper investigates the explosive nature of cryptocurrency prices in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we use the daily prices of six major cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin (BTC), Dash (DASH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Nem (NEM), and Ripple (XRP), ranging from 07.08.2015 to 16.12.2020. We employ univariate and panel GSADF recursive unit root tests for analytical purposes. Our results identify multiple periods of explosive price movements in the individual cryptocurrencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, we find synchronised explosive behavior in the prices of cryptocurrencies during the pandemic period. Our results indicate the possibility of herding in the cryptocurrency market.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Working capital and firm performance: role of COVID-19 disruption Authors: Pushpesh Pant, Pradeep Rathore, Krishna kumar Dadsena, Bhaskar Shandilya Journal: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Volume: Published online: 30 May 2023 URL:
This study examines the performance effect of working capital for a large sample of Indian manufacturing firms in light of supply chain disruption, i.e. the COVID-19 pandemic.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : COVID-19 Media Chatter and Macroeconomic Reflectors on Black Swan: A Spanish and Indian Stock Markets Comparison Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García-Rubio Journal: Risks Volume: Volume: 11 Issue: 5, Published online: 16 May 2023 URL:
Predictive analytics of financial markets in developed and emerging economies during the COVID-19 regime is undeniably challenging due to unavoidable uncertainty and the profound proliferation of negative news on different platforms. Tracking the media echo is crucial to explaining and anticipating the abrupt fluctuations in financial markets. The present research attempts to propound a robust framework capable of channeling macroeconomic reflectors and essential media chatter-linked variables to draw precise forecasts of future figures for Spanish and Indian stock markets. The predictive structure combines Isometric Mapping (ISOMAP), which is a non-linear feature transformation tool, and Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR), which is an ensemble machine learning technique to perform predictive modelling. The Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is used to interpret the black-box type predictive model to infer meaningful insights. The overall results duly justify the incorporation of local and global media chatter indices in explaining the dynamics of respective financial markets. The findings imply marginally better predictability of Indian stock markets than their Spanish counterparts. The current work strives to compare and contrast the reaction of developed and developing financial markets during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been argued to share a close resemblance to the Black Swan event when applying a robust research framework. The insights linked to the dependence of stock markets on macroeconomic indicators can be leveraged for policy formulations for augmenting household finance.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : To praise or not to praise- Role of word of mouth in food delivery apps Authors: Mahesh Ramalingam, Manoj Das Journal: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Volume: Volume 74, Published online: 02 May 2023 URL:
This study examined the determinants of word of mouth, using the dual-factor theory in the context of food delivery apps (FDA) during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which has created unique challenges and opportunities for the hospitality industry. We proposed and tested an integrated model by examining both enablers (i.e., trust, perceived benefit, quality control) and inhibitors (i.e., advertisement overload, perceived threat, quality issues) of FDA usage as antecedents of positive word of mouth (PWOM) and negative word of mouth (NWOM). Our results revealed that trust and perceived benefit drive PWOM, while advertisement overload and quality issues lead to NWOM. We also found some counterintuitive and unique results; for instance, perceived benefit leads to NWOM, the perceived threat does not result in NWOM, and quality control does not necessarily result in PWOM. Through these findings, we provide empirical evidence and recommend managerial interventions to help restaurant owners and FDAs navigate crises like the ongoing pandemic.
This study examined the determinants of word of mouth, using the dual-factor theory in the context of food delivery apps (FDA) during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which has created unique challenges and opportunities for the hospitality industry. We proposed and tested an integrated model by examining both enablers (i.e., trust, perceived benefit, quality control) and inhibitors (i.e., advertisement overload, perceived threat, quality issues) of FDA usage as antecedents of positive word of mouth (PWOM) and negative word of mouth (NWOM). Our results revealed that trust and perceived benefit drive PWOM, while advertisement overload and quality issues lead to NWOM. We also found some counterintuitive and unique results; for instance, perceived benefit leads to NWOM, the perceived threat does not result in NWOM, and quality control does not necessarily result in PWOM. Through these findings, we provide empirical evidence and recommend managerial interventions to help restaurant owners and FDAs navigate crises like the ongoing pandemic.
Orientation: The success of any organization lies in the strength of the business strategy that has been formed. Business strategy is the one which directs any organization to behave in a certain way which would lead to its success.
Name : Aindrilla Chatterjee Title : Non-profit crisis leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic in India and the United States Authors: Katherine Rosenbusch, Krishna Gajjar, Aindrila Chatterjee, Sonal Soni Journal: Human Resource Development International Volume: Published online: 19 April 2023 URL:
During extreme crises, governments’ capacity is compromised, and they need support from non-profits, especially to reach the vulnerable and marginalised. Our qualitative study examines leadership response to the COVID-19 pandemic at four US and Indian non-profits; they paused their mission-related activities to focus on crisis leadership tasks. Our key findings reveal the importance of obtaining reliable information, balancing service delivery and stakeholder safety, communication with stakeholders, accepting the new normal and adopting creative solutions. These findings can inform training non-profit leaders on a number of key issues.
Name : Shaon Sen Title : Developing the M-H-IB Model to Explain the Mediational Role of Hedonism on Materialism and Impulse Buying Relationship: Proposing a Research Framework Authors: Shaon Sen Journal: Indian Journal of marketing Volume: Volume 53, Issue 4, Published online: 15 April 2023 URL:
The present study aimed to bring together the stimulus factors, which includes materialism and hedonism, in describing impulse buying. The dynamic nature of the shift in consumers’ buying behavior prompts consumer researchers to respond to these changes, which becomes a key for marketers and practitioners to unlock the mist of need recognition among consumers and design effective marketing strategies accordingly. This study proposed a model where hedonism (H), which happens to be a precursor to impulse buying, is conceived as a mediator in the optimistic materialism (M) – impulse buying (IB) relationship.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : Perceived anthropomorphism and purchase intention using artificial intelligence technology: examining the moderated effect of trust Authors: Gunjan Malhotra, Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: Journal of Enterprise Information Management Volume: Published online: 28 Mar 2023 URL:
This study explores features that impact consumers' purchase intention through artificial intelligence (AI), because it is believed that through artificial intelligence, consumers' intention to purchase grows significantly, especially in the retail sector, whereby retailers provide lucrative offers to motivate consumers. The study develops a theoretical framework based on media-richness theory to investigate the role of perceived anthropomorphism toward an intention to purchase products using AI.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Using 10-K text to gauge COVID-related corporate disclosure Authors: Shantanu Dutta, Ashok Kumar, Pushpesh Pant, Caolan Walsh, Moumita Dutta Journal: Plos One Volume: Published online: 22 Mar 2023 URL:
During the pandemic era, COVID-related disclosure has become quite critical for shareholders and other market participants to understand the uncertainties and challenges associated with a firm’s operation. However, there is no well-grounded and systematic measure to gauge the intensity of COVID-related disclosure and its plausible impact. Therefore, this study develops and validates various COVID-related disclosure measures. More specifically, using a sample of publicly listed U.S. firms and applying natural language processing (NLP) on 10-K reports, we have developed two types of COVID dictionaries (or COVID-related disclosure measurement tools): (a) overall COVID dictionary (count of all COVID-related words/phrases) and (b) contextual COVID-dictionary (count of COVID related words/phrases preceded or followed by positive, negative tones, or financial constraints words). Subsequently, we have validated both types of COVID dictionaries by investigating their association with corporate liquidity events (e.g., dividend payment, dividend change). We confirm that the overall COVID dictionary effectively predicts a firm’s liquidity event. We find similar results for contextual COVID dictionaries with a negative spin (i.e., COVID disclosures with a negative tone or an indication of financial constraints). Our results further show that better-governed firms (e.g., greater board independence, and more female directors) tend to have more COVID-related disclosures, despite the fact that more COVID-related disclosures suppress a firm’s market-based stock performance (e.g. Tobin’s Q). Our results suggest that better-governed firms prefer greater transparency, even if it may hurt their market performance in the short run.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : An ensemble machine learning framework for Airbnb rental price modeling without using amenity-driven features Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K. Jana, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Volume: Published online: 15 Mar 2023 URL:
The prediction of Airbnb listing prices predominantly uses a set of amenity-driven features. Choosing an appropriate set of features from thousands of available amenity-driven features makes the prediction task difficult. This paper aims to propose a scalable, robust framework to predict listing prices of Airbnb units without using amenity-driven features.
Name : Pushpesh Pant Title : Analyzing the barriers in supply chain digitization: sustainable development goals perspective Authors: Krishna Kumar Dadsena, Pushpesh Pant Journal: Operations Management Research Volume: Volume 16, pages 1684–1697, Published online: 03 March 2023 URL:
The importance of cutting-edge technologies in ensuring the success of today's supply chains is crucial, as they not only boost corporate performance but also increase competitive advantages in the pursuit of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The adoption of digitization, however, is still facing a number of barriers and challenges, as has been highlighted in trade journals, scientific literature, and by discussions with domain experts. Using a systematic literature review as well as experts’ opinions, we have identified supply chain digitization barriers in light of SDGs. These barriers have been ranked using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy (FAHP) process and broken down into four main criteria and twelve sub-criteria. According to the findings of this study, the most important factor in the adoption of SCD is ‘administrative barriers.’ Note that administrative capability contributes to the achievement of SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG 17 (partnership for goals). This research would assist supply chain managers in the decision-making process as it provides structural thinking and framework by establishing the relationship between the barriers of SCD and their effect on the SDGs.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Role of proliferation COVID-19 media chatter in predicting Indian stock market: Integrated framework of nonlinear feature transformation and advanced AI Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García- Rubio Journal: Expert Systems with Applications Volume: Volume 219, Published online: 11 February 2023 URL:
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has transpired the global media to gallop with reports and news on the novel Coronavirus. The intensity of the news chatter on various aspects of the pandemic, in conjunction with the sentiment of the same, accounts for the uncertainty of investors linked to financial markets. In this research, Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven frameworks have been propounded to gauge the proliferation of COVID-19 news towards Indian stock markets through the lens of predictive modelling. Two hybrid predictive frameworks, UMAP-LSTM and ISOMAP-GBR, have been constructed to accurately forecast the daily stock prices of 10 Indian companies of different industry verticals using several systematic media chatter indices related to the COVID-19 pandemic alongside several orthodox technical indicators and macroeconomic variables. The outcome of the rigorous predictive exercise rationalizes the utility of monitoring relevant media news worldwide and in India. Additional model interpretation using Explainable AI (XAI) methodologies indicates that a high quantum of overall media hype, media coverage, fake news, etc., leads to bearish market regimes.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Prediction and interpretation of daily NFT and DeFi prices dynamics: Inspection through ensemble machine learning & XAI Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García Rubio Journal: International Review of Financial Analysis Volume: Volume 87, Published online: 02 February 2023 URL:
Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) assets have seen a growing media coverage and garnered considerable investor traction despite being classified as a niche in the digital financial sector. The lack of substantial research to demystify the dynamics of NFT and DeFi coins motivates the scrupulous analysis of the said sector. This work aims to critically delve into the evolutionary pattern of the NFTs and DeFis for performing predictive analytics of the same during the COVID-19 regime. The multivariate framework comprises the systematic inclusion of explanatory features embodying technical indicators, key macroeconomic indicators, and constructs linked to media hype and sentiment pertinent to the pandemic, nonlinear feature engineering, and ensemble machine learning. Isometric Mapping (ISOMAP) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) techniques are conjugated with Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR) and Random Forest (RF) for enabling the predictive analysis. The predictive performance rationalizes the frameworks' capacity to accurately predict the prices of the majority of the NFT and DeFi coins during the ongoing financial distress period. Additionally, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methodologies are used to comprehend the nature of the impact of the explanatory variables. Findings suggest that the daily movement of the NFTs and DeFi highly depends on their past historical movement.
Name : A. Sarath Babu Title : Corporate governance practices in the mining industry of India: an application of CG index Authors: Rahul Govind Pramani, Sandeep Goel, Rupamanjari Sinha Ray, A. Sarath Babu Journal: Mineral Economics Volume: Volume 36, pages 481–498, Published online: 30 January 2023 URL:
A sound corporate governance (CG) system in the mining sector ought to promote resource utilization while adhering to the principles of accountability and responsibility. In this case, it is curious that so little attention has been paid to understand the CG structures and practices of the mining industry. Therefore, this paper aims to unearth the CG practices of Indian mining through a uniform and structured CG Index. The paper develops a CG index to measure the CG performance across a range of CG structures. The data for this study was extracted from 2012–2013 to 2020–2021 for 11 mining companies in India. The sample companies constitute 78.23% of the total market cap of NSE 500 metal and mining companies. T-test was conducted to test the differences between the CG characteristics of the sample companies on various levels. This study highlights the CG practices within the mining industry of India. The findings of this study can come handy to assess the CG performance of mining companies in not just emerging economies but for the developed ones too. This study lays the foundation for future studies around CG practices, given its role in sustainable development.
Name : Rahul Govind Pramani Title : Corporate governance practices in the mining industry of India: an application of CG index Authors: Rahul Govind Pramani, Sandeep Goel, Rupamanjari Sinha Ray, A. Sarath Babu Journal: Mineral Economics Volume: Volume 36, pages 481–498, Published online: 30 January 2023 URL:
A sound corporate governance (CG) system in the mining sector ought to promote resource utilization while adhering to the principles of accountability and responsibility. In this case, it is curious that so little attention has been paid to understand the CG structures and practices of the mining industry. Therefore, this paper aims to unearth the CG practices of Indian mining through a uniform and structured CG Index. The paper develops a CG index to measure the CG performance across a range of CG structures. The data for this study was extracted from 2012–2013 to 2020–2021 for 11 mining companies in India. The sample companies constitute 78.23% of the total market cap of NSE 500 metal and mining companies. T-test was conducted to test the differences between the CG characteristics of the sample companies on various levels. This study highlights the CG practices within the mining industry of India. The findings of this study can come handy to assess the CG performance of mining companies in not just emerging economies but for the developed ones too. This study lays the foundation for future studies around CG practices, given its role in sustainable development.
The main purpose of the paper is to critically review the studies in the area of management and entrepreneurship. Secondly, the study aims to identify various performance measures used by researchers to evaluate short and long-term IPO performance.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Time -varying relationship between geopolitical uncertainty and agricultural investment Authors: Rabin K Jana, & Indranil Ghosh Journal: Finance Research Letters Volume: Volume 52, March 2023 URL:
This paper explores the relationship between Geopolitical Uncertainty (GPU) and agricultural investment. We apply wavelet-based techniques to capture the relationship at different time dimensions and explore the causal structure between the GPU and select indices from the agricultural market of the USA. We find that the GPU influences investment in agricultural spot markets in the medium run. The futures market investment is less susceptible to GPU than the spot counterparts. A clear shift in interplay is visible during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. The results can offer diversification benefits and mitigate risk in distress and volatile periods.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Do travel uncertainty and invasion rhetoric spur Metaverse financial asset? -Gauging the role of media Influence Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortes, Matiz Gamez & Noelia Garfa Journal: Finance Research Letters Volume: Volume 51, January 2023 URL:
The recent emergence and development of Metaverse platform have resulted in creating digital niche assets, which are argued to exert disruption in the global financial market. The dearth of dedicated research to demystify the dependence of Metaverse financial market on external factors is apparent. The current research endeavors to exemplify the dynamic nexus of select Metaverse coins on the prevailing media chatter pertinent to travel uncertainty and invasion rhetoric using wavelet-driven test for association, predictive modeling, and time series clustering technique. A long-run synergy between the Metaverse coins and the explanatory features is detected.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Financial Sector Development and Retail Sector Growth- Association, Spillover and Causality during Pre-Covid and Coved Regimes Authors: Tamal Dutta Chaudhari & Indranil Ghosh Journal: FACTA UNIVERSITATAS Series: Economics and Organization Volume: Vol. 19, No 4, 2022, pp. 229 - 251 URL:
In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to understanding the relationship between financial sector development and real sector growth in India. We use stock market sectoral indices available on National Stock Exchange (NSE) like Capital Goods Index, FMCG Index, Energy Index, Infra Index, Metal Index, Realty Index, and Auto Index to represent the real sector. To represent the financial sector, we consider Bank Index and Financial Services Index separately. The proposed framework examines the relationships at a granular level to understand the extent of association, spillover, and causality. We also analyze the relationship between the financial sector and the real sector in Pre COVID and COVID periods separately. Our research methodology includes the use of Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA), Wavelet Multiple Correlation (WMC), Wavelet Multiple Cross Correlation (WMCC), Diebold-Yilmaz spillover Framework, and Non-Linear Causality Test. Our granular approach has enabled us to examine the relationships in different periods and we observe that the results change. The intensity of the relationships also is different during the COVID period as compared to Pre COVID period.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Can financial stress be anticipated and explained? Uncovering the hidden pattern using EEMD-LSTM, EEMD-prophet, and XAI methodologies Authors: Indranil Ghosh & Pamucar Dragaan Journal: Complex and Intelligent Systems Volume: Published online 26 December 2022 URL:
Global financial stress is a critical variable that reflects the ongoing state of several key macroeconomic indicators and financial markets. Predictive analytics of financial stress, nevertheless, has seen very little focus in literature as of now. Futuristic movements of stress in markets can be anticipated if the same can be predicted with a satisfactory level of precision. The current research resorts to two granular hybrid predictive frameworks to discover the inherent pattern of financial stress across several critical variables and geography. The predictive structure utilizes the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) for granular time series decomposition. The Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) and Facebook’s Prophet algorithms are invoked on top of the decomposed components to scrupulously investigate the predictability of final stress variables regulated by the Office of Financial Research (OFR). A rigorous feature screening using the Boruta methodology has been utilized too. The findings of predictive exercises reveal that financial stress across assets and continents can be predicted accurately in short and long-run horizons even at the time of steep financial distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The frameworks appear to be statistically significant at the expense of model interpretation. To resolve the issue, dedicated Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)methods have been used to interpret the same. The immediate past information of financial stress indicators largely explains patterns in the long run, while short-run fluctuations can be tracked by closely monitoring several technical indicators.
Name : Kalyana Chejarla Title : Ease of Doing Business Performance comparison of G20 countries using Grey MCDM Authors: Kalyana Chejarla & Omkarprasad S Vaidya Journal: International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making Volume: Publication date 11 November 2022 URL:
The ubiquity of data, and in particular in MCDM situations, makes it challenging for the Decision Makers (DM) to figure out a way of making proper use of data. This paper presents a three-stage decision framework for DMs to consider the performance range of alternatives holistically. The framework consists of (i) data preparation, (ii) two distance-based Gray Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM-G) methods using gray interval data to rank the alternatives and (iii) a decision analysis template. For comparison, gray Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS) and gray Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (MABAC) methods that rely on arithmetic and geometric mean respectively are used to generate the ranks. The mean-based ranking methods produce stable and efficient ranks in comparison to extremum-based comparison methods, due to their innate nature. The correlation of ranks is analyzed to conclude that the stability of ranks is better when gray interval data is considered. As an example, this paper considers performance range of the 10 criteria used in computing Ease of Doing Business (EDB) index as the gray interval. The sample performance of the G20 countries during the period 2004 to 2020 was used to illustrate the calculations. Further, a general analytic template based on the rank deviation on account of differences in upper and lower bounds of performance helped in classifying the economies as stable leaders, predictable middle and volatile followers. The paper contributes a suitable MCDM and analysis approach when the DM is presented with a gray interval as the alternatives’ performance.
Name : Sourabh Bhattacharya Title : Barriers to Circular Supply Chain: the case of unorganized tire retreading in India Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya & Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Journal: International Journal of Logistics Management Volume: Publication date: 3 November 2022 URL:
To understand the role of the unorganized sector in the push toward a circular economy (CE), the authors consider the case of the unorganized tire retreading industry in India and examine the barriers it faces in contributing to a circular tire supply chain in India.
Name : Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Title : Barriers to Circular Supply Chain: the case of unorganized tire retreading in India Authors: Sourabh Bhattacharya & Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Journal: International Journal of Logistics Management Volume: Publication date: 3 November 2022 URL:
To understand the role of the unorganized sector in the push toward a circular economy (CE), the authors consider the case of the unorganized tire retreading industry in India and examine the barriers it faces in contributing to a circular tire supply chain in India.
Name : Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Title : Deliberation does not make attraction effect disappear: The role of induced cognitive reflection Authors: Parvesh Kumar Padamwar, Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi & Jagrook Dawra Journal: Journal of Business Research Volume: Volume 154, January 2023 URL:
The human brain is known to process information using fast and intuitive processing (System I) and deliberative or reflective processing (System II). Both these systems work simultaneously and complementarily to aid decision-making and preference construction. The attraction effect is a choice anomaly that occurs when consumer preference between two alternatives polarizes toward one of the alternatives upon the inclusion of a third (asymmetrically dominated) option. Past studies have shown that suppression of System II magnifies the attraction effect and, thereby, concluded that the attraction effect is a result of System I. In our experimental studies, contrary to these past studies, we find a robust attraction effect when the reflective processing (System II) is induced using a priming procedure. We rule out several possible alternative explanations of our findings and discuss potential research implications.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Modelling Predictability of Airbnb Rental Prices in Post Covid-19 Regime: An Integrated Framework of Transfer Learning, PSO based Ensemble Machine Learning and Explainable AI. Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Manas K Sanyal, & Dragon Pamucar Journal: International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making Volume: 24 September 2022 URL:
In this research, an effort has been put to develop an integrated predictive modeling framework to automatically estimate the rental price of Airbnb units based on listed descriptions and several accommodation-related utilities. This paper considers approximately 0.2 million listings of Airbnb units across seven European cities, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, Geneva, Istanbul, London, and Milan, after the COVID-19 pandemic for predictive analysis. RoBERTa, a transfer learning framework in conjunction with K-means-based unsupervised text clustering, was used to form a homogeneous grouping of Airbnb units across the cities. Subsequently, particle swarm optimization (PSO) driven advanced ensemble machine learning frameworks have been utilized for predicting rental prices across the formed clusters of respective cities using 32 offer-related features. Additionally, explainable artificial intelligence (AI), an emerging field of AI, has been utilized to interpret the high-end predictive modeling to infer deeper insights into the nature and direction of influence of explanatory features on rental prices at respective locations. The rental prices of Airbnb units in Geneva and Brussels have appeared to be highly predictable, while the units in London and Milan have been found to be less predictable. Different types of amenity offerings largely explain the variation in rental prices across the cities.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : Why do you look familiar? Exploring the role of Employee-Customer identification in adopting the service offering Authors: Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: International Journal of Bank Marketing Volume: Published 8 Sept 2022 URL:
This study aims to explore employee-customer identification and its consequences in the banking, financial service and insurance (BFSI) sector. We also look at the mediating role of psychological ownership and work orientation (calling) between employee-customer identification and the adaptability of service offerings.
Name : Manoj Das Title : Why do you look familiar? Exploring the role of Employee-Customer identification in adopting the service offering Authors: Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: International Journal of Bank Marketing Volume: Published 8 Sept 2022 URL:
This study aims to explore employee-customer identification and its consequences in the banking, financial service and insurance (BFSI) sector. We also look at the mediating role of psychological ownership and work orientation (calling) between employee-customer identification and the adaptability of service offerings.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Integrating Navier-Stokes Equation and Neotic iForest-BorutaStap- Facebook's prophet Framework for Stock Market Prediction: An Application in Indian Context Authors: Indranil Ghosh and Tamal Dutta Chaudhari Journal: Expert Systems with Applications Volume: Recorded Version 12 August 2022 URL:
The paper presents a framework for forecasting stock prices for normal time and pandemic period and tests its forecasting efficacy. It is based on the specification of dependent and independent variables drawn from the Navier-Stokes equation, which defines the relationship between velocity and kinematic viscosity, density, pressure, and external force field. We define stock market proxies for the variables used in the equation in modeling stock price behavior and extend our framework to build in aspects of behavioral finance like hindsight bias, representative bias, and anchoring bias. The predictive exercise has been carried out on stock prices of Indian companies belonging to different industrial verticals to test whether our framework can handle diversity. AI framework comprising Isolation Forest (iForest), BorutaShap, and Facebook's Prophet Algorithm has been used for automatic anomaly elimination, dedicated feature screening, and forecasting future stock price movements. The results reveal interesting insights into the varied response of stock prices of different companies to macroeconomic shocks and would be quite useful for fund managers, regulators, and policymakers. Several numerical and statistical checks indicate the efficiency of our proposed framework in yielding superior quality forecasts, both in normal and challenging times.
Name : Esha Saha Title : Assessing impact of consumer perceived CSR on consumer attitude and purchase behaviour in retail segment: a stakeholder theory perspective Authors: Pradeep Rathore, Esha Saha, Sayan Chakraborty, & Aviral Kumar Tiwari Journal: Society and Business Review Volume: Published 18 August 2022 URL:
This study aims to examine the relationship between the perception of consumers about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and consumers’ purchasing behavior in the retail sector. Specifically, this study investigates the impact of perceived CSR on consumer attitude and behavior and the influence of attitude on the relationship between perceived CSR and purchase behavior
Hospital pharmacies are experiencing significant rise in demand for medicines for treatment and care of patients admitted to hospitals. Nevertheless, inefficient processes continue to be a problem in hospital pharmacy management, resulting in mismatch between demand and supply, time-consuming manual tasks, out-of-stock situations, medicine expiration, and excessive operating costs. Prior research has addressed various aspects of hospital pharmacy management, but limited studies have focused on discovering hidden patterns and knowledge from large volume of data stored in hospital information systems, which can help improve pharmacy operations. Primary goal of this research is to extract meaningful knowledge from hospital databases to improve pharmacy operations. Hospital pharmacy database from multispecialty hospital in India is used to examine associations among medicines prescribed to hospitalized patients using Apriori approach, which is one of the algorithms of Association Rule Mining. Data comprising 745,176 pharmaceutical item order records were gathered, processed and analyzed. Around sixty-three association rules were discovered. Different measures like support, confidence, and lift are used to evaluate the rules. Rule comprising medicines Atracurium, Febuxostat, and Multivitamins achieved the highest confidence of 87.35%. Discovered rules can help pharmacists to anticipate demand, develop better inventory system, improve operational efficiency and lead to effective healthcare system.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : The asymmetric impact of oil price uncertainity on emerging market financial stress: An quantile regression approach Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Anupam Dutta, Rabin K Jana Journal: International Journal of Finance and Economics Volume: Published 6 th June 2022 URL: doi: 10.1002/ijfe.265
This study investigates the effects of the crude oil implied volatility index (OVX) upon emerging market financial stress (EMFS). We resort to a quantile regression framework as this approach is a better alternative to disentangle the relationship under different market conditions. Besides, we also examine how EMFS responds to the lags and asymmetries in the OVX. The empirical results show significantly positive impacts of OVX upon EMFS. Further, the effects of OVX become more assertive in the upper quantiles of EMFS, implying higher sensitivity to OVX when stress levels are high. In terms of the lagged effects, the relationship is transient as the OVX coefficients become weaker with increasing lag sizes. We further find that only positive impulses in OVX can significantly predict EMFS. Lastly, we report evidence that the Credit market stress is a crucial driver of EMFS.
Name : Chakrapani Cheturvedula Title : Delisting and its impact on Shareholders wealth: Evidence from India Authors: Chakrapani Cheturvedula & Soumya Malhotra Journal: International Journal of Management Volume: Publication date June 8 2022 URL:
This study examines the impact of the delisting of shares from the stock exchanges on shareholders' wealth. We study a sample of 127 stocks delisted from the National Stock Exchange(NSE), India, during the period 2002 to 2018. We find that shareholders of delisted stocks get a negative return of 13.89 % over the car window (-30,-1).O'Donnell (1969) and Jarrell (1984) and Sanger and Peterson (1990) found an average decline of 9% and 8.5% on the stock returns around delisting. Our results are consistent with the existing literature, which show a significant loss of shareholders' wealth. The study’s finding points out the decline in shareholders' wealth and provides an evidence from the Indian Capital markets. The study's seeks the attention of regulators, policymakers and stock exchanges to manage or come out with better regulations and policies in delisting of Stocks. It also helps to provide suggestions to regulators to reduce the losses incurred to the minority shareholders
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : What drives product involvement and satisfaction with OFDs amid Covid-19 Authors: Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: Journal of retailing and Consumer Services Volume: Publication date available online June 20 2022 URL:
Online food delivery services (OFDs) have gained the attention of researchers due to the rapid growth of society. With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on markets worldwide, it compelled retailers and service providers to adjust their way of doing business drastically. OFD’s emerged as an option either due to consumers’ inability to cook, fear of exposure to Covid if they leave the house, monotony of eating home-cooked meals, and safety measures practiced by them. Hence, during this pandemic, the OFDs created a win-win situation for restaurant owners and consumers. However, the current literature does not clearly picture the factors influencing customers’ behavioural intentions while using hospitality services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objective of our study is to understand the factors influencing customer satisfaction during the pandemic. In addition, explore the mediating role of consumer resilience and consumer attitude to strengthen the relationship between product involvement and customer satisfaction in the OFDs context. We have used the social cognitive theory as the theoretical framework for framing our hypotheses. The present study focuses on Indian consumers who have used OFDs during the pandemic. We employed a cross-sectional survey method to test the proposed research model. Two hundred forty valid questionnaires were collected to empirically test the research model using tools like confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS-28, direct and indirect relationships were tested using SPSS PROCESS macro. The results indicate that all the proposed hypotheses were supported. Theoretical and Practical implications of the study along with limitations are discussed.
Name : Manoj Das Title : What drives product involvement and satisfaction with OFDs amid Covid-19 Authors: Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: Journal of retailing and Consumer Services Volume: Publication date available online June 20 2022 URL:
Online food delivery services (OFDs) have gained the attention of researchers due to the rapid growth of society. With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on markets worldwide, it compelled retailers and service providers to adjust their way of doing business drastically. OFD’s emerged as an option either due to consumers’ inability to cook, fear of exposure to Covid if they leave the house, monotony of eating home-cooked meals, and safety measures practiced by them. Hence, during this pandemic, the OFDs created a win-win situation for restaurant owners and consumers. However, the current literature does not clearly picture the factors influencing customers’ behavioural intentions while using hospitality services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objective of our study is to understand the factors influencing customer satisfaction during the pandemic. In addition, explore the mediating role of consumer resilience and consumer attitude to strengthen the relationship between product involvement and customer satisfaction in the OFDs context. We have used the social cognitive theory as the theoretical framework for framing our hypotheses. The present study focuses on Indian consumers who have used OFDs during the pandemic. We employed a cross-sectional survey method to test the proposed research model. Two hundred forty valid questionnaires were collected to empirically test the research model using tools like confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS-28, direct and indirect relationships were tested using SPSS PROCESS macro. The results indicate that all the proposed hypotheses were supported. Theoretical and Practical implications of the study along with limitations are discussed.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Coivd 19 news and the US equity market interactions: An inspection through econometrics and machine learning lens Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, Fredj Jawadi, Gazi Salah Uddin & Ricardo M. Sousa Journal: Annals of Operations Research Volume: Publication date June 8 2022 URL:
This study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on the US equity market during the first wave of Coronavirus using a wide range of econometric and machine learning approaches. To this end, we use both daily data related to the US equity market sectors and data about the COVID-19 news over January 1, 2020-March 20, 2020. Accordingly, we show that at an early stage of the outbreak, global COVID-19s fears have impacted the US equity market even differently across sectors. Further, we also find that, as the pandemic gradually intensified its footprint in the US, local fears manifested by daily infections emerged more powerfully compared to its global counterpart in impairing the short-term dynamics of US equity markets.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : New Business capacity of developed, developing and least developing economies: inspection through state-of-the-art fuzzy clustering and PSO-GBR frameworks Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, Paritosh Pramanik Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal Volume: Publication date June 7 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print URL:
It is essential to validate whether a nation's economic strength always transpires into new business capacity. The present research strives to identify the key indicators to the proxy new business ecosystem of countries and critically evaluate the similarity through the lens of advanced Fuzzy Clustering Frameworks over the years.
Name : Esha Saha Title : The interplay of emerging technologies in pharmaceutical supply chain performance: An empirical investigation for the rise of Pharma 4.0 Authors: Esha Saha, Pradeep Rathore, Ratri Parida, & Nripendra P Rana Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: 181 available online June 3 2022 URL:
The impact and the relevance of the emerging technologies on the supply chains have attracted researchers and practitioners alike worldwide. Based on the resource-based view and organizational information processing theory, this study attempts to investigate how emerging technologies influence supply chain performance, particularly pharmaceutical supply chain in regards to the rise of Pharma 4.0. The pharmaceutical supply chain processes are considered as the mediators and the emerging technology adoption barriers are proposed as the moderators. The study is evaluated using a survey of pharmaceutical companies in India. The findings indicate that manufacturing, distribution and consumption processes in the supply chain mediate the effects of emerging technologies on supply chain performance; however, mediating effects are weakened due to the presence of intricate barriers. This study thereby empirically investigates the interplay between emerging technologies in pharmaceutical supply chain performance and provides managerial insights with a proposed research framework on how to incorporate and encourage Pharma 4.0 for achieving sustainability in the supply chains.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : A hybrid approach to forecasting futures prices with simultaneous consideration of optimality in ensemble feature selection and advanced artificial intelligence Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Tamal Datta Chaudhuri, Esteban Alfaro-Cortes, Matias Gamez,& Noelia Garcia Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: 181 available online June 3 2022 URL:
The paper presents a framework to forecast futures prices of stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India during normal (unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic) and new normal times (affected by COVID-19 and a macroeconomic slowdown). The model leverages a structural model that determines the relevance of the explanatory features used in the study; namely, spot prices, market sentiment, sectoral outlook, historic and implied volatility, crude price volatility, and exchange rate volatility. The proposed Ensemble Feature Selection (EFS) methodology comprising Boruta and Regularized Random Forest (RRF) algorithms is used to screen the explanatory features. Two advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques—Regularized Greedy Forest (RGF) and Deep Neural Network (DNN)—are used in conjunction with Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) and Autoencoder (AE) for forecasting. To understand the extent and nature of the influence of the explanatory variables, the Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach has been used. Statistical checks confirm that our hybrid framework is effective. The results indicate that the relative importance of the explanatory variables in forecasting futures prices differs depending on the company concerned and the period under consideration.
Name : Saikat Banerjee Title : Imprinting effects of exposure to the Indian independence movement on export intensity of firms Authors: Saikat Banerjee, Amith Karna & Sunil Sharma Journal: Journal of Business Research Volume: Vol 149 October 22 pp 548-557 URL:
Extending the concept of historical imprinting and organizational learning, we propose that the prior exposure to the Indian independence movement negatively influences the export intensity of firms. Firm-specific characteristics such as business group affiliation and entrepreneurial orientation act as dynamics of amplification and encourage to utilize the organizational learning gained from the historical imprinting. Business group affiliation strengthens the negative relationship between prior exposure to the Indian independence movement and export intensity. Entrepreneurial orientation strengthens the moderating effect of business group affiliation and prior exposure to the Indian independence movement on export intensity resulting in a three-way interaction effect. We test the hypotheses using panel data of 1,817 Indian firm-year observations for 309 firms from 2007 to 2016. We also discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of our findings.
Name : Manoj Das Title : Its too Much to Handle: Effect of Advertisement Overload and its impact on satisfaction Authors: Manoj Das Journal: Emprical Economic Letters Volume: Vol 20 No 4 URL:
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Spillover Nexus of Financial Stress during Black Swan Events Authors: Rabin k Jana, Indranil Ghosh, & Vijay Goyal Journal: Finance Research Letters Volume: Volume 48, August 2022 URL:
This research investigates the dynamic volatility spillover among the financial market stress of the US, Other Advanced Economies (OAE), and Emerging Markets (EM) during the two Black Swan events - the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Global Financial Crisis (GFC). We conduct the spillover analyses on short, medium, and long runs. The findings suggest that during the GFC, the US financial market received the highest spillovers from OAE in the medium run. During the COVID-19 pandemic, financial stress in the US has induced maximum spillovers to the EM market in the long run
Name : Avishek Bhandari Title : Multivariate Long Memory Structure in the Cryptocurrency Markets: The Impact of COVID-19 Authors: Ata Assaf, Husni Chariff, Avishek Bhandari, & Dr Ender Demir Journal: International Review of Financial Analysis Volume: Vol 82, July 2022 URL:
In this paper, we study the long memory behavior of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, and Dash with a focus on the COVID-19 period. Initially, we apply a time-varying Lifting method to estimate the Hurst exponent for each cryptocurrency. Then we test for a change in persistence over time. To model the multivariate connectivity, the wavelet-based multivariate long memory approach proposed by Achard and Gannaz (2016) is implemented. Our results indicate a change in the long-range dependence for the majority of cryptocurrencies, with a noticeable downward trend in persistence after the 2017 bubble and then a dramatic drop after the outbreak of COVID-19. The drop in persistence after COVID-19 is further illustrated by the Fractal connectivity matrix obtained from the Wavelet long-memory model. Our findings provide important implications regarding the evolution of market efficiency in the cryptocurrency market and the associated fractal structure and dynamics of the crypto prices over time.
This article collated various findings on consumers' impulse buying, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. A detailed literature review revealed interesting facts about the pre-studied antecedents of impulse buying. It is found that perceived risk, which is known to hinder consumers' impulse buying earlier, surprisingly appeared to facilitate consumer impulse buying during the infamous global pandemic. The shift happened due to the various psychological changes that consumers experienced during the pandemic. This research monograph is interested in documenting the findings on impulse buying during the pandemic because it is essential to understand consumer changes. The post-pandemic world of consumers' buying behavior and the pattern is likely to change. Researchers correctly pointed out to this concern that whether the changes that the pandemic has caused will sustain or not. Moreover, scholars have also estimated what changes are probable to appear in the consumers' buying process. This study extensively puts forward the detailed findings, facilitating researchers and practitioners to devise their course of action post the COVID-19 pandemic.
Name : Shabnam Priyadarshini Title : It’s nice to be nice at work: role of interpersonal skills for career success Authors: Shabnam Priyadarshini Journal: Strategic HR Review Volume: Publication date 7 April 2022 URL:
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of interpersonal skills in getting ahead in one’s . career. With the changing workplace from traditional to virtual office and now to work-from-home, the role of interpersonal skills has become even more critical. Across sectors, if you want to have a successful career, interpersonal skills are vital for getting ahead. The author emphasizes the need for continuous upskilling and reskilling of employees with respect to soft skills.
Name : Preeti Sharma Title : Block Chain Adoption: Global and Indian Scenario Authors: Preeti Sharma Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Volume: Volume 9 Issue 4 April 2022. URL:
The objective of this article is to assist readers and academics understand block chain adoption in the global scenario and India, together with the opportunities and challenges present for adoption of this nascent technology. Block chain, one of the most significant breakthroughs of the contemporary world, is poised to help us achieve new heights of development in nearly every industry in the world of globalization, where automation and technology have altered our lifestyles and the way businesses conduct business. However, Block chain, like all other technology, presents several problems that must be overcome before widespread adoption happens internationally. Mitigating these challenges and removing barriers to Block chain adoption will have a favorable impact on the economy. The aim of the research is to explore the opportunities and challenges India may encounter when it comes to implementing block chain technology.
Name : Shabnam Priyadarshini Title : People Analytics: Data-Driven Appraoch to Manage People at Work Authors: Shabnam Priyadarshini Journal: International Journal of Novel Research and Development Volume: Vol 7, Issue 3, pp.603-606, March 2022 URL:
The paper is an attempt to understand the importance of analytics in the field of Human resource management and how data impacts and changes our traditional frameworks and understanding of concepts. The paper covers the current structure of analytical tools that facilitate decision-making on both micro and macro level in organizations. Also, how analytics is providing insights into every process by collecting data, extracting information, and then utilizing the information to make appropriate decisions and thus improving these processes. The paper also demonstrates how HR Analytics connects the people metrics with data from businesses to help create subsequent strategies. To conclude, some of the most popular tools used for HR Analytics have also been discussed.
Name : Sriharsha Reddy Title : Does the Cashless transaction work? An analysis of policy challenges in an emerging economy Authors: Debadutta K Panda, Sriharsha Reddy & Sridhar Viathianathan Journal: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Volume: ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. 14 March 2022. URL:
This paper aims to study the adoption of a public policy (cashless transaction system by implementing demonetization) from the institutional and technology adoption theories.
Name : Debadutta Kumar Panda Title : Does the Cashless transaction work? An analysis of policy challenges in an emerging economy Authors: Debadutta K Panda, Sriharsha Reddy & Sridhar Viathianathan Journal: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Volume: ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. 14 March 2022. URL:
Name : Manoj Das Title : Look at me: Exploring Phubbing in Organizational Contexts- Implications for Practice Authors: Manoj Das Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume: Vol 9 No 1 March 2022 URL:
This paper explores the phenomenon of phubbing in the organizational context, its implications, and potential remedies beneficial to the organization. This viewpoint is prepared by the author to offer practical suggestions to counter the phenomenon of phubbing by highlighting relevant academic studies. Phubbing is phenomenon which is rapidly increasing as a menace. Organizations need to put in place measures to help clearly set the norms of expected behaviour, leading to positive work culture. This article helps managers and researchers by condensing the knowledge to date in an easy-to-understand way, thereby saving time.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Taming energy and electronic waste generation in bitvoin mining: Insights from feedback prohet and deep neural network Authors: Rabin K Jana, Indranil Ghosh. & Martin W Wallin Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: Vol 178 No 1 24 February 2022 URL:
The Bitcoin mining hosted in the blockchain network consumes enormous amounts of energy and generates electronic waste at an alarming rate. The paper aims to model and predict the future values of these two hazardous variables linked to conventional Bitcoin mining. We develop two predictive models using Facebook’s Prophet algorithm and deep neural networks to identify and explain energy consumption and electronic waste generation patterns. The models rely on several explanatory features linked to the blockchain microstructure and the Bitcoin marketplace. We assess the predictive performance of the two models based on daily data of energy consumption and electronic waste generation and eleven key input features. We use local interpretable modelagnostic explanation (LIME) and Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) for explaining how these inputs can predict and control energy consumption and electronic waste generation. The findings assist in accurately estimating the future figures of energy discharge and electronic waste accumulation in the present Bitcoin mining setup. The study also reveals the block size to be the major driver.
Name : Devi Prasad Ghosh Title : E-Service Experience as the Antecedent of E-Trust & E Loyalty: An integration of Behavioral and Technology Perspective Authors: Devi Prasad Ghosh Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Volume: Vol 7 No 2 February 2022 URL:
The study investigated e-service experience dimensions and their relationship with e-trust and e-loyalty by integrating behavioral and technology models. The paper integrated attitude formation theories in consumer behavior (TRA, TPB) and Information Technology theories (TAM, UTAUT) for building the proposed theoretical framework and conceptual model. The study developed that e-service experience is a multi-dimensional construct. The study categorized e-service experience into a tangible component as website functional experience, intangible component as service delivery experience, and emotional component as relational experience with the service provider. The paper also distinguished between user relational characteristics and user personal characteristics. Relational factors acted as an emotional component of the e-service experience, while users personal factors acted as control variables in the relationships. Therefore, the e-service experience is a holistic representation of the consumer-service provider encounter on the internet and is conceptualized as a value creation process. The paper also discussed applying the concept for developing digital strategies for managers and a conceptual model for future researchers in the internet space.
Name : Steven Raj Padakandla Title : Testing the safe-haven properties of Gold and Bitcoin in the backdrop of Covid-19: A wavelet quantile correlation approach Authors: Anoop S Kumar & Steven Raj Padakandla Journal: Finance Research Letters Volume: Publication available from 31 January 22 URL:
We test the suitability of Gold and Bitcoin as safe-haven instruments in the backdrop of the Covid-19 related equity market meltdown by implementing the newly proposed Wavelet Quantile Correlation. We employ daily returns of Bitcoin, Gold, DJIA, CAC40, NSE50, S&P 500, NASDAQ, and EUROSTOXX from 05–01–2015 to 31–12–2020. Our results show that Gold consistently exhibits safe haven properties for all the markets except NSE in the long and short run, while Bitcoin provided mixed results. We find that Gold can act as an effective hedge and diversifier as well.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : A residual driven ensemble machine learning approach for forecasting natural gas prices: analyses for pre-and during-COVID-19 phases Authors: Indranil Ghosh and Rabin K Jara Journal: Annals of Operations Research Volume: Publication date 23 January 22. URL:
The natural gas price is an essential financial variable that needs periodic modeling and predictive analysis for many practical implications. Macroeconomic euphoria and external uncertainty make its evolutionary patterns highly complex. We propose a two-stage granular framework to perform predictive analysis of the natural gas futures for the USA (NGF-USA) and the UK natural gas futures for the EU (NGF-UK) for pre-and during COVID-19 phases. The residuals of the previous stage are introduced as a new explanatory feature along with standard technical indicators to perform predictive tasks. The importance of the new feature is explained through the Boruta feature evaluation methodology.
Organizations stress on the productivity of their employees. Therefore, they are in quest of finding means and methods that can augment employees ‘performance and efficiency. Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is said to be one of them. Among the variables that could affect the level of OCB, the differences in gender on OCB could be one of them. Just as personality differences could affect various job attitudes, so could differences in gender perceptions. Hence it is critical to investigate the significance of gender differences in OCB amongst employees. However, studies in this area are negligible. Hence this research proposes to minimize the gap identified. We got a total of 60 valid responses out of 100 to whom the survey was sent, from employees working in the government sector. The results revealed that there are no significant gender differences on both dimensions of OCB, namely OCBI and OCBO. Future research could look investigate the same with larger sample size as well as with longitudinal data.
Name : Devi Prasad Ghosh Title : Barriers and Facilitators of B2B Degree of Digital Use in Travel Services Supply-Chain: An integration of Operational and Behavioral perspective Authors: Devi Prasad Ghosh Journal: International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management Volume: Vol. 27, Iss. 4, December 2021, 383-398. URL:
The paper aimed to develop a conceptual model of determinant factors as barriers and facilitators of B2B degree of digital use in the travel services supply chain by applying operational and behavioral theories. Based on the field study, we identified five facilitators and three barriers and added two new interorganizational barriers lack of supplier support and lack of offering flexibility in the travel services supply chain. The perceived cost was identified as an organizational factor and a facilitator. This study considered buyer firm size as a contingency variable and conceptualized it as a moderator. The study contributed to the understanding of the B2B digital usage domain in intermediary-supplier relationships. The study suggested practical implications for the industry.
Name : Sarath Babu Title : Algorithmic Trading Efficiency and its Impact on Market-Quality Authors: Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Sarath Babu, Rajneesh Ranjan Jha & Urvashi Varma Journal: Asia-Pac Financ Markets Volume: Publication date 21 October 2021, URL:
Algorithmic Trading (AT) has been despised by retail traders and market regulators for its speed. AT has taken the hit for creating un-intended volatility and hampering the market quality due to skepticism of quote-stuffing and front-running, however in reality the evidence pertaining to ill impacts of AT are yet to be found. This study takes a step in the direction to decriminalize algorithmic trading and give AT it’s due towards improvement in market quality. This study uses direct identification of AT from Indian Stock Market (National Stock Exchange, NSE) and uses Order-to-Trade Ratio (OTR) as a measure of AT efficiency and paves the way for regulators and traders to come forward and appreciate the positive impact of AT on market quality.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : How does dataveillance drive consumer online payment resistance Authors: Rambalak Yadav, Amit Shankar, Abhishek Behl & Manish Gupta Journal: Journal of Consumer Marketing Volume: Publication date28 December 2021. URL:
This study aims to examine the effect of dataveillance on resistance towards online payment. Using a moderated-mediation framework, the study also investigates the mediating effects of perceived privacy and security concerns and how these mediating effects are moderated by corporate credibility, consumer skepticism and consumer empowerment
This study examines (1) how grant-seeking nonprofit organizations (NPOs) position themselves and (2) whether the positioning of NPOs has any connection with their grant acquisition. A content analysis of 100 websites of Indian NPOs (phase 1) helped in generating 9 hypotheses. Furthermore, 380 websites of Indian NPOs were studied using a statistical model (phase 2). NPOs were found with two different positioning strategies: (1) reliability positioning and (2) customer orientation positioning. The reliability positioning elements were recognition, transparency, collaboration, and resources. The customer orientation positioning elements were length of service, geographic spread, service variety, depth of service, and service impact. Recognition, transparency, collaboration, resources, and service variety positively and significantly influenced NPOs' grant acquisition, and length of service and geographic spread negatively and significantly influenced NPOs' grant acquisition.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : Does Impact of Campaign and Consumer Guilt help in exploring the role of National Identity and Purchase Decisions of Consumers Authors: Gunjan Malhotra and Mahesh Ramalingam Journal: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Volume: Available online 30 November 2021 URL:
Extant research emphasized the role of consumer guilt and the importance of campaigns in consumers' willingness to buy domestic-made products. The antecedents of willingness to buy domestic-made products have not been well understood in literature. This is because the experience of national identity vis a vis the understanding of the consumers' guilt feeling has partly been explained. To address these concerns, we developed a survey in the context of Indian cities. We note that consumers' experience with foreign-made products is negative when they feel uncomfortable buying them, and thereby develop a feeling of guilt. Marketing managers are more likely to prepare consumers' experiences with their products by emphasizing the high or low impact of the campaign on consumers’ willingness to buy domestic-made products.
Name : Debadutta Kumar Panda Title : The green identity and green strategy: an interplay Authors: Panda DK Journal: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management Volume: Publication date 3 December 2021 URL:
This study examined the complex interplay between ‘green identity’ and ‘green strategy’. A longitudinal case research method was applied to study a mining organization in India. The study identified the three dimensions of ‘green identity’ and conceptualized four types of green identities. The green identities were the center of strategic thinking and resource planning. It enhances cognitive interplay to strategies. The ‘green strategy’ and ‘green identity’ were interdependent. The ‘green identity’ as the organization’s central phenomenon was affected by ‘green strategy’, ‘organizational attributes’, ‘personal attributes’, and ‘external environment’. At the same time, ‘green identity’ also influences ‘green strategy’. There were four types of green strategy based on organizational identity and strategic expectation. Also, there were four types of employee sense making in the ‘green strategy-making’ based on employee identity and leader identity. The ‘green identity’ influenced the green strategy sense making process and vice-versa.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Does gamified interaction strong consumer-brand connection? A study of mobile applications Authors: Deepak Sangroya, Rambalak Yadav, & Yatish Joshi Journal: Australasian Journal of Information Systems Volume: Vol 25 November 2021 doi: URL:
In recent times gamification has increasingly been used by brands through smartphones to interact effectively with their consumers. The core assumption for creating gamified environment is that it will develop engagement with the consumer and motivate them to use their product or services. However, beyond this assumption, there is dearth empirical evidence regarding how much effective these gamified features are in engaging consumers. Therefore, this research analyses the relationship between flow, brand engagement, self-brand connection and brand usage intent among consumers (N = 360) of two gamified mobile applications. The findings show that the multidimensional construct flow formed by five dimensions i.e. challenge, feedback, autonomy, immersion, and interaction positively associates with cognitive brand engagement and emotional brand engagement. Additionally, both these forms of brand engagement further strengthen consumers’ brand connection and motivate them for further use. These results imply that gamified environment can augment consumer engagement with brand and further increase usage intention. Therefore, gamification can be an effective technique in brand management and brand managers can use it to strengthen relationship with consumers and increasing possibility of using their brands.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Linking brand personality to brand equity: measuring the role of consumer-brand relationship Authors: Anees Ahmad, Swapnarag Swain, Pankaj Kuamr Singh, Rambalak Yadav & Gyan Prakash Journal: Journal of Indian Business Research Volume: Vol. 13 No. 4, pp. 586-602. URL:
This study aims to examine the relationship between brand personality and customer-based brand equity (CBBE) by investigating the mediating role of consumer-brand relationship (CBR), which is represented through three variables, namely, brand trust, attachment and commitment.
The study examines the effects of corruption activities on new product development of firms. The roles of senior managers in the relationship between corruption activities and new product development are also studies.
Name : Kalyana Chejarla Title : MCDM application in logistics performance evaluation: A literature review Authors: Kalyana Chejarla, Omkarprasad S. Vaidya & Sushil Kumar Journal: Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Volume: Publication date Nov 1, 2021 pp1-24. URL:
This paper presents a literature review of performance evaluation of logistics, and the use of multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM) in this area. For this purpose, we covered more than 120 research articles published from 2010 to 2019. The study identifies popular research methodologies, commonly used MCDM methods and 13 research themes that are likely to continue into the coming decade. The study highlights future research opportunities in each of the identified trends. The review comprehensively covers the descriptive and analytical papers providing a 360-degree view of the developments in the area.
Name : Debadutta Kumar Panda Title : Perceived government initiatives: Scale development, validation and impact on consumers' pro-environmental behaviour Authors: Pradeep kumar Mohanty, Archana Patro, R.M. Harindranatha, N. Senthil Kumar, Debadutta Kumar Panda & Ritesh Dubey Journal: Energy Policy Volume: Volume 158,November 2021, 112534. (A) URL:
Recent Government Initiatives towards popularising energy efficient appliances in India have created public consciousness about energy efficiency and cost-saving. This study examines the public perception towards energy policy and the subsequent consumer purchase behaviour towards energy efficient appliances. The study developed a new scale on perceived government initiatives from consumers' perspective by exploring the social and psychological behaviour and subsequently operationalizing the construct. The reliability and validity of the developed construct, and their impact on consumers' pro environmental behaviour were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation. Public expectations from such government initiatives have been broadly categorized into four dimensions such as social influence, optimism, purchase preferences, and overall attitude. Overall findings reveal that the perceived government initiatives positively influences consumers' pro environmental behaviour. The study emphasizes the need for coordinated planning between manufacturers and the policy makers to further popularize energy efficient appliances among the public.
Name : Neetu Mohammed Title : Tacit knowledge sharing and creative performance: A transformative learning perspective Authors: Neetu Mohammed & TJ Kamalanabhan Journal: Development and Learning Organization Volume: 24 October 2021 doi/10.1108/DLO-09-2021-0161 URL:
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between tacit knowledge-sharing and creative performance of employees from a transformative learning perspective.
Name : Steven Raj Padakandla Title : Does climate impact vary across time horizons? A time–frequency analysis of climate-crop yields in India Authors: Steven Raj Pedakandla & Avishek Bhandari Journal: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Volume: Publication date: 12 Sept 2021 URL:
Climate change is a major concern the world over more so for a predominantly agrarian country like India. In this paper we analyze the time horizon dynamics of crop and climate variables at the regional level in India. We also analyze the co-movements of crop yields with temperature and rainfall to observe the coherence across heterogenous time horizons. We employ Bai-Perron structural break and Continuous wavelet transform methods on yearly data of seven crop yields and climate variables. Observed variables are analyzed from 1956 to 2010 for the un-divided state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Breakpoint analysis shows an increase of around 1.0° temperature with two observed break points. Rainfall depicts no systematic change with fluctuations being largely random. The framework of wavelets-based time–frequency analysis employed in this study captures climate and crop dynamics at heterogeneous time horizons, allowing one to study the impact of climate and crop yields at both short and longer time-horizons. Wavelet based coherence analysis exhibited significant co-movement between climatic and crop variables. Given shifts in climate patterns and subsequent shifts in co-movements across time horizons at the regional level, policy makers and crop scientists should design time specific and locally viable adaption and mitigation policies to tackle the impact of climate change on crops and livelihoods.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : The interplay of emotional value, trend affinity and past practices in sustainable consumption: An application of theory of reciprocal determinism Authors: Yatish Joshi, Rambalak Yadav Journal: Journal of Strategic Marketing Volume: Published online 18 August 2021. DOI:10.1080/0965254X.2021.1914133 (A) URL:
This study aims to examine the role of trend affinity, emotional value, and past sustainable practices on consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviour. The research employed a survey approach to collect responses; 282 usable responses were received. Results established trend affinity, emotional value, and supportive behaviour towards environmental organizations as significant determinants of individuals’ sustainable consumption practices. Using Theory of Reciprocal Determinism (TRD) framework and integrating personal, behavioural and social factors, the study provides a novel perspective to understand sustainable consumption behaviour. Policymakers and practitioners can use the outcome of the study to promote sustainable consumption behaviour among individuals to minimise damage to the environment.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Determinants of electronic waste generation in Bitcoin network: Evidence from the machine learning approach Authors: Rabin K Jana, Indranil Ghosh, Debojyoti Das & Anupam Dutta Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: Online available, 15 August 2021. (A)Vol 173 December 2021 URL:
Electronic waste is generating in the Bitcoin network at an alarming rate. This study identifies the determinants of electronic waste generation in the Bitcoin network using machine learning algorithms. We model the evolutionary patterns of electronic waste and carry out a predictive analytics exercise to achieve this objective. The Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC) and Generalized Mean Information Coefficient (GMIC) help to study the association structure. A series of six state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms - Gradient Boosting (GB), Regularized Random Forest (RRF), Bagging-Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines (BM), Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (HYFIS), Self-Organizing Map (SOM), and Quantile Regression Neural Network (QRNN) are used separately for predictive modeling. We compare the predictive performance of all the algorithms. Statistically, the GB is a superior model followed by RRF. The performance of SOM is the least accurate. Our findings reveal that the blockchain's size, energy consumption, and the historical number of Bitcoin are the most determinants of electronic waste generation in the Bitcoin network. The overall findings bring out exciting insights into practical relevance for effectively curbing electronic waste accumulation.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Food waste and out-of-home-dining: antecedents and consequents of the decision to take away leftovers after dining at restaurants Authors: Shalini Talwar. Puneet Kaur, Rambalak Yadav, Rajat Sharma & Amandeep Dhir Journal: Journal of Sustainable Tourism Volume: Published date: 28 July 2021, URL:
The rising trend of eating out has contributed noticeably to the increase in food waste generated by the hospitality sector. Therefore, it is essential to understand the drivers of food waste generation and the mitigation intentions of diners. Academic research in the area so far is fragmented, with particularly limited insights regarding the intentions to take away leftovers after dining out. The present study addresses this gap by using the theoretical lens of Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT) to examine the antecedents of diners' intentions to take away leftovers and how these are associated with their food overs-ordering and leftover reuse routine. The hypothesized associations are tested by analysing data collected from 426 diners using a mixed-method approach. The findings suggest that moral norms are associated with reasons for and attitude towards taking away leftovers; these are further associated with intentions, which, in turn, associate positively with over-ordering behaviour. In comparison, the reasons against are negatively associated with attitude. The results also confirm the mediation effect of reasons for, attitude, and intentions on the proposed relationships and moderation effect of leftover reuse routine.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : What drives diners’ eco-friendly behaviour? The moderating role of planning routine Authors: Shalini Talwar. Puneet Kaur, Rambalak Yadav, Anil Bilgihan, & Amandeep Dhir Journal: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Volume: Volume 63, November 2021 URL:
Research focusing on diners' intentions towards leftovers, which are considered one of the main sources of consumer food waste in restaurants, is still at a nascent stage and requires further investigation. The present study attempts to address this gap by investigating the antecedents of diners' intentions to take away leftovers and thereby mitigate food waste in an out-of-home setting. Towards this end, we examined the role of personal and social norms as antecedents of the facilitators, inhibitors, and intentions of taking away leftovers. Using the theoretical lens of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) paradigm, we tested the proposed hypotheses by analysing data collected from 281 diners residing in the United States through a cross-sectional survey on Prolific Academic. The findings indicate that personal norms are positively associated with facilitators and intentions. In comparison, social norms are positively associated with facilitators but negatively associated with inhibitors. The results also confirmed the mediation effect of facilitators and inhibitors and the moderation effect of planning routine to provide valuable insights into the drivers of pro-environmental/eco-friendly behaviour in out-of-home dining to thus aid strategy formulation and future research.
Name : Nitin Gupta Title : Influence of consumer cosmopolitanism on purchase intention of foreign vs local brands: a developing country perspective Authors: Ankur Srivastava, Nitin Gupta & Nripendra P Rana Journal: International Journal of Emerging Markets Volume: publication date: 20 July 2021, URL:
This study investigates the role of consumer cosmopolitanism on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions (PIs) towards foreign and local brands.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Estimating the relative effects of raw materials prices, sectoral outlook and market sentiment on stock prices Authors: Indranil Ghosh, Tamal Datta Chaudhuri, Esteban Alfaro-Cortes,Matias Gamez Martinez & Noelia Garcia Rubio Journal: Resources Policy Volume: Volume 73, October 2021, URL:
Identification of key determinants responsible for driving stock prices across the world is of paramount practical importance. The task is extremely arduous owing to sensitiveness of financial markets to macroeconomic shocks, external chaos, political instability and natural calamities. In this work, effort has been made to critically evaluate the influence of raw material prices, sectoral outlook, and market sentiment on stock prices at a granular level in the Indian context. The research resorts to wavelet analysis and machine learning models to estimate time varying dependence and explanatory capabilities of respective constructs. Wavelet coherence and correlation analyses have been conducted to decode the interaction bond of three determinants i.e., raw material prices, sectoral outlook, and market sentiment with stock prices of a sample set of Indian companies during short, medium, and long run scales. Boruta feature selection algorithm has been applied in conjunction with three dedicated machine learning approaches namely, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and Genetic Algorithm for ranking the three features based on their explanatory capabilities across different time intervals. Overall findings suggest that the influence of respective features varied across different time horizons which can be leveraged for portfolio management.
Name : Indranil Ghosh Title : Tobins’ q and firm performance: MCDM and clustering-based approach for Indian companies Authors: Roma Kumari, Tamal Datta & Indranil Ghosh Journal: International Journal of Business Information Systems Volume: Forthcoming, URL:
Tobins q has been interpreted as a forward looking indicator of firm performance. In this paper, we use it as a lead indicator in period t to find out its effect on firm performance in period t + 2. The conceptual framework used in the paper has Tobins q as the indicator of expected firm performance which is manifested through asset turnover ratio, gross profit margin, enterprise value/EBITDA, incremental output capital ratio, returns on retained earnings and free cash flow. Further, we do a size class analysis for the relationships. For a sample set of Indian companies, we seek answers to whether did Tobins q could predict business efficiency, business effectiveness, innovativeness and sustainability. After identifying the partial effects, to improve our understanding of the relationship between the realised variables and Tobins q in one go, we apply a clustering driven multi criteria decision-making model on the realised variables.
The use of electric vehicles has received popularity as alternative fuel vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost, which are expected to perform a crucial role in the near future of emerging mobility markets. The purpose of this empirical study is to analyse the role of electric vehicle knowledge in predicting consumer adoption intention directly and indirectly in the backdrop of an emerging market.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of organizational culture on strategic planning and the role of leadership effectiveness in the association between organizational culture and strategic planning in Indian nonprofit organizations (NPOs).
Based on the cognitive-motivational-relational (CMR) theory, this study empirically investigates the mechanisms through which consumers' online engagement impacts their channel switching intention. The present study examines the mediating effects of perceived value and the ways in which these mediating effects are moderated by online risk perception. Data were collected from 428 online Indian consumers using systematic random sampling. The results of the structural and process macro analyses indicated that consumer online engagement has a significant impact on consumer online search benefits which in turn leads to webrooming intention. Also, perceived value mediated the effects of online search benefits and offline purchase benefits on webrooming intention. The results advance the theory of CMR by explaining consumer channel switching behaviour and are expected to help multi-channel retailers to identify the key drivers that help engage consumers online.
Name : Arun kumar Biswal Title : Product subsidy and expected consumption with inventory inaccuracy: Implications of RFID adoption in Indian Public Distribution System Authors: Arun kumar Biswal, Jenamani M & Krishna Kumar S Journal: Computers and Industrial Engineeringss Volume: Vol 159 September 2021 URL:
In countries that fight malnutrition and hunger, governments and international agencies sponsor subsidy programmes to improve consumption of staple food among the poor. Although the donors in such programmes provide product subsidy to make it affordable and accessible, the supply chain used to deliver these products to the end beneficiary is prone to losses and diversion. Intervention of advanced technologies like RFID, GPS, and GIS are likely to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of such systems. However, considering budget limitation, a key concern for the donors is to investigate how diversion of fund in favour of technology would impact the product subsidy and expected consumption. We model the situation as a price-taking and price-setting newsvendor who implements the subsidy programme, and a donor who provides funding, to investigate the issue. We perform numerical analysis using actual data concerning to the food security system of India and our results show that, for both the price-taking and price-setting situation, the system with RFID generates more consumption as compared to that of the non-RFID situation at same donor budget. We also find that, fixing the price at suitable level the donors could control the profit of the implementing firm, and could generate more consumption as compared to that of the price decontrol situation
Name : Sriharsha Reddy Title : Asset Quality of Commercial Banks in India: An empirical Analysis Authors: Sriharsha Reddy & Sarath Babu Journal: The IUP Journal of Applied Economics Volume: Vol XX No 2 2021 URL:
Non-performing Assets (NPAs) have termed out to be a major stumbling block affecting the performance of Indian Banks. Several measures were initiated by the Reserve Bank of India to reduce incidence of NPAs. For the first time in the last several years, public sector banks in India witnessed decline in gross NPAs for the year 2018-2019. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the reasons for the incidences of NPAs during 2006 to 2019 by studying the public sector and private sector banks in India. Dynamic regression model was developed to understand the influence of past NPAs on incidence of current NPAs. Surprisingly, the influence of previous year asset quality is not significantly influencing current year asset quality. Size of the bank, profitability, credit growth, priority sector lending, accretion of NPAs and economic growth continue to have significant impact on the asset quality of the banks in India.
Name : Sarath Babu Title : Asset Quality of Commercial Banks in India: An empirical Analysis Authors: Sriharsha Reddy & Sarath Babu Journal: The IUP Journal of Applied Economics Volume: Vol XX No 2 2021 URL:
Non-performing Assets (NPAs) have termed out to be a major stumbling block affecting the performance of Indian Banks. Several measures were initiated by the Reserve Bank of India to reduce incidence of NPAs. For the first time in the last several years, public sector banks in India witnessed decline in gross NPAs for the year 2018-2019. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the reasons for the incidences of NPAs during 2006 to 2019 by studying the public sector and private sector banks in India. Dynamic regression model was developed to understand the influence of past NPAs on incidence of current NPAs. Surprisingly, the influence of previous year asset quality is not significantly influencing current year asset quality. Size of the bank, profitability, credit growth, priority sector lending, accretion of NPAs and economic growth continue to have significant impact on the asset quality of the banks in India.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Adoption of Electronic Banking services in India: an Extension of UTAUT2 Model Authors: Vikas Chauhan, Rambalak Yadav & Vipin Choudhary Journal: Journal of Financial Services Marketing Volume: Published on 30 April 2021 URL:
Indian banks have paid sufficient attention to recent innovations in banking services delivery such as e-banking, mobile banking, mobile payment, e-wallet, and e-money services, still the acceptance of these services among consumers is sluggish. Therefore, the present study aims to identify the intention of consumers to adopt various e-banking services. The study adopted the UTAUT2 model (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and extended it with constructs such as consumer innovativeness, perceived risk, and security information availability. The extended research model was tested using a questionnaire-based response collected from 721 consumers. CB-SEM (Covariance-based structural equation modeling) was used to examine the hypotheses. An empirical examination of the model helped explain the impact of the UTAUT2 model's constructs in predicting adoption intention toward e-banking services. The study also revealed the importance and impact of newly incorporated variables in explaining consumers' adoption intention toward e-banking services. The study has provided some useful insight into the factors influencing consumers' intention to adopt e-banking services to shed new light.
The companies integrate their operations with their supply chain partners and align their technological resources with that of their workforce resources on a global scale. In the wake of which Big data analytics (BDA) presents new capabilities and opportunities for Operations Management (OM). All such integrations in the companies result in the creation of a large amount of real-time data, including the different formats of storage, which could be used to optimize operational decisions. This work aims to figure out current industry trends and future implementation of BDA in OM and summarize the research gaps in the domain using Text analytics.
Name : Chakrapani Chaturvedula Title : Under-Pricing of Initial Public Offerings in Indian Capital Markets Authors: Chakrapani Chaturvedula Journal: International Journal of Management Volume: Volume 12, No 5 May 2021 pp 112-116 URL:
This study looks at the underpricing of IPO in the Indian stock exchanges. We look at a sample of 186 stocks listed in the National stock exchange between the year 2010 to 2020 for evidence of Underpricing in the Indian capital markets. Our Findings provide evidence that underpricing continues in the Indian stock market. On an average the underpricing in the IPO’s is 19.7% on the listing day and the underpricing persists for the next 30 days and even after 30 days the underpricing is 17%.
The process of open innovation is examined in the context of government organizations using the case study of “MyGov” platform of Government of India. In “MyGov” platform, both ministries of government of India and citizens of India actively participate in various discussions; do multiple tasks and share creative ideas relevant to contemporary policies. In this process, the amount of open innovation increases the quality of governance in the policy formation and implementation, and subsequently contributes to the social welfare of the country.
Recent developments in the financial inclusion policy of government of India confirm the importance of financial inclusion as a necessary criterion for inclusive growth. The aim of the paper is to analyze the supply side and demand side issues related to financial inclusion in India and find the gaps of the institutional mechanism in supply side and issues in demand side with the help of various theoretical and practical studies carried out in past literature. The paper also examines the comprehensiveness of existing indicators of financial inclusion in India.
Extending existing literature on entrepreneurial orientation of firms, the paper theoretically explains the effects of the external ties of top management team members on entrepreneurial orientation–firm performance relationship. The intra-industry and extra industry ties of top management team members strengthen the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Future research directions in the field are also discussed.
Based on theoretical discussions, the paper proposes that the self-leadership of strategic leaders helps to take strategic decisions, and influences innovation performance of firms. Entrepreneurial orientation of firms encourages the leaders to take risky entrepreneurial decisions, and positively influences the relationship between self-leadership and innovation performance of firms. The paper also discusses research gaps and future research directions.
Name : Tulika Sharma Title : Self Image, Attitude Formation and Mall Revisit Intentions: A Propositional Model and Research Agenda Authors: Mahesh.M, and Tulika Sharma Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Volume: Volume 8, No 3 March 2021 pp 367-374 URL:
Modern shopping malls serve dual needs of shopping and entertainment. Modern shoppers are provided with choice, be it for shopping or entertainment. Mall visits are becoming more purpose driven than earlier times. Malls have to sustain their relevance and importance to induce shoppers to visit again and regularly. Novelty factors may not be adequate to sustain a competitive advantage. There is a need to understand the factors influencing mall revisit intentions, especially with respect to shoppers’self-image. This paper explores the need for such research and sets out a propositional agenda for research into the relationship between self-image and mall revisit intentions, especially in an emerging economy such as India where there has been a proliferation of shopping malls over the last two decades. Research agenda herein proposed may lead to new knowledge for academicians and practitioners alike.
Name : Manoj Das Title : The impact of COVID on Tourism and Hospitality Sector Authors: Manoj Das Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume: Volume 8, No 1 March 2021 pp 278-281 URL:
Covid-19 has fundamentally altered our life with people and businesses slowly limping back to normalcy. One of the worst hot sectors due to covid-19 was the hospitality sector and tourism. Our paper attempts to shed light on these effects and what the future holds.
Name : Tulika Sharma Title : Towards A Conceptual Linkage between Transvections and Mall Patronage Behaviour: Exploring New Research Directions Authors: Mahesh.M, and Tulika Sharma Journal: Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research Volume: Volume XIII, Issue No 1, January 2021 URL:
This study attempts to explore the conceptual linkage between the construct of transvections sand mall image. Alderson (1965) proposed transvections as a set of sorts and transformations that enable the finished product to be made available to the consumer. Modern day malls provide benefits of shopping and entertainment to their consumers. This study examines the possibility of relating an old concept, namely transvections to a contemporary concept, such as mall patronage and initiates future research propositions for application of such a conceptual understanding for building sustainable competitive advantage in a retailing context.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : The impact of Shopping motivation on sustainable consumption: A Study in the context of green apparel Authors: Sushant Kumar, and Ramblak Yadav Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production Volume: Publication date: 10 February 2021 Early Cite URL:
The study aims to investigate the impact of shopping motivation on consumers’ intention to buy green apparel. The study adopted the theory of shopping motivation (utilitarian and hedonic motivation) as a framework. Further, the moderating roles of gender and family income were also examined in all the studied relationships. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings indicate a significant impact of information availability and customized offerings on utilitarian motivation, along with a significant impact of adventure, authority, and status on hedonic motivation. Both shopping motivations, utilitarian and hedonic, influence purchase intention regarding green apparel. Gender was found to have a moderating relationship for information availability with utilitarian motivation and for authority and status with hedonic motivation. The moderating effect of income was also confirmed. The findings will help managers and practitioners promote sustainable consumption through green apparel. This may, in turn, foster the cleaner production and practices of sustainable consumption, which is beneficial for the planet and people.
Name : Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Title : The impact of range extension on the attraction effect Authors: Pravesh Kumar Padamwar, Jagrook Dawra & Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi Journal: Journal of Business Research Volume: Volume 126, pp 565-577, March 2021 URL:
Using a series of three corroborative studies, this paper reconciles the conflicting results on the relationship between range extension and the attraction effect in extant literature. Prior seminal works on the attraction effect, including those of Huber, Puto, and Payne, have not found any impact of range extension on the intensity of the attraction effect. Some explanatory models of the attraction effect in the extant literature (e.g. the value-shift model), however, predict an amplification of the attraction effect upon range extension. In this work, we resolve this conflict by showing that range extension does significantly change the preference between core alternatives and that it systematically amplifies the attraction effect both in stylized and natural settings. In doing so, this paper furthers the conceptual understanding of the attraction effect. It also contributes to the growing literature exploring the boundary conditions of the attraction effect and provides relevant managerial insights.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : The impact of the institutional environment on green consumption in India Authors: Naman Sreen, Rambalak Yadav, Sushant Kumar & Mark Gleim Journal: Journal of Consumer Marketing Volume: Publication date: 1 December 2020, URL:
This paper aims to develop an institutional framework to examine the role of governmental and social pressures on green product purchase intentions. Because of the increased focus on environmental issues in emerging markets, an examination of the institutional environment in India can provide unique insights into the drivers of green consumption.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Understanding the impact of CSR domain on brand relationship equity Authors: Amit Shankar & Rambalak Yadav Journal: Marketing Intelligence and Planning Volume: Publication date:, 25 December 2020 Early Cite URL:
The study investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) domain on millennials' brand relationship quality (BRQ). It also attempts to understand how the relationship between CSR domain and millennials' BRQ is moderated by consumer moral foundation and skepticism.
This paper seeks to understand global equity returns' long memory behavior using novel methods from wavelet analysis. We implement the wavelet-based multivariate long memory approach, which is the first application of wavelet-based multivariate long-term memory techniques in finance and economics. In doing so, long-run correlation structures among global equity returns are captured within the framework of wavelet-multivariate long memory methods, enabling one to analyze the long-run correlation among several markets exhibiting both similar and dissimilar fractal structures.
Name : Tumpa Dey Title : A Study on The Relation between Music and Academic performance Authors: Tumpa Dey & Manish Khayani Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume: Vol 7 No 2, July 2020 URL:
Experimental study on effect of music on student’s academic performance” aims at determining the influence of music on the academic performances of college students. Many people claim that music has a significant effect on behaviour and development. Only limited research has been conducted to verify the effect of music on academic performance. Evidence has shown a connection between phonological awareness and competencies in literacy. It was proposed that a formal curriculum of music events could be used to help children build a multi-sensory perception and response to sounds. The study will also be helping to analyze students who lack concentration while studying in silence tend to have an increased efficiency in studying with the music on. A study that showed an association between rhythmic ability and reading examined the relationship between musical ability and literacy skills. Another study showed that music skills training is available additional strategy to help students with reading difficulties. Musical instruction has arisen as a potential technique owing to the parallels between the non-verbal language of musical performance and the verbal vocabulary itself. The research methodology adopted for this project will be experimental.
Name : Steven Raj Padakandla Title : Climate sensitivity of rice yields: An agro climatic zone analysis in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh, India Authors: Steven Raj Padakandla Journal: Journal of Public Affairs Volume: Published in 16 Sept 2020 URL:
Observational data shows that there have been significant regional variations in climate change patterns across India. This study examines the effects of climate change on yields of rice across different climatic zones in the former state of Andhra Pradesh. The study uses district level panel data for 30 years (1981–2010) to analyze the influence of climatic variables like rainfall, maximum temperature and minimum temperature on rice yields at the agro‐climatic zone level. Analysis of data shows that the degree of impact of climate on yield of rice is varied across different climatic zones in the former state of Andhra Pradesh. Climatic zones which have traditionally higher temperature and lesser rainfall are more susceptible to variations in climate than others. Though the negative impact of temperature is similar among all the zones, there are observable spatial variations and differences in the degrees of impact. The study also found that the impact of irrigation is significantly higher in traditionally drier zones than others. Given significant regional variations on climate change impact, policy makers, administrators and crop scientists have to design micro‐level mitigation and adaptation techniques.
Name : Ritesh Kumar Dubey Title : Employee Review Websites as Source of Recruitment Communication: The Role of Source Credibility, Realistic Information, and Specific Information Authors: Tavleen Kaur & Ritesh Kumar Dubey Journal: Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organization Volume: Vol 18 No 3, July-Sept 2020 pp 74-94 URL:
Persuasive research shows that more credible sources of information are more influential in changing the attitude and gaining behavioral compliance. In this article, the authors examine whether perceptions regarding source credibility, realistic information and specific information in the web recruitment context differs on three different recruitment media. The three different recruitment media taken in this study are employee review website (, professional networking website ( and the company's own webpages. The employee review website and professional networking website belong to the company independent website category since they are not controlled by a particular organization. The company's own webpages belong to a company dependent website category as every organization has its own website. This study compares and investigates company independent websites versus company dependent websites as a tool for providing recruitment communication on three different parameters, namely source credibility, realistic information, and specific information. The study is conducted in India and the results are based on responses obtained from 283 students actively looking for jobs. The results suggest that job seekers perceive company independent websites (employee review website and networking website) to be more credible. These websites provide more realistic and specific information than the company dependent website. The authors also examine the role of realistic information, source credibility and specific information as antecedents to organizational attractiveness. How social media can be instrumental in employee engagement is also discussed.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether customer intention to purchase luxury products from the online stores of fashion luxury retailers varies depending on their degree of corporate image and showrooming strategy, when the retailers do not have a wider store network in the region where customers live.
Name : Preeti Sharma Title : Implementation and adoption of CRM and co-creation leveraging collaborative technologies: An Indian banking Context Authors: Neejar Kumar Dubey,Preeti Sharma, and PurimaSangle Journal: Journal of Indian Business Research Volume: Vol 12 - Issue 1, 27 Feb 2020 pp - 113-132 URL:
This paper aims to study the role of the emerging technology landscape and collaborative Platforms in customer relationship management (CRM) unravelling novel opportunities for mutual co-creation in Indian banking context.
Name : Saikat Banerjee Title : Foreign Direct Investments: Examining the Roles of Democracy, Corruption and Judicial Systems Across Countries Authors: Saikat Banerjee Journal: Journal of Applied Business and Economics Volume: Vol 21 (6) 9 December 2019 pp 32 -46 URL:
The paper utilizes a novel agency theory perspective to argue that governments are opportunistic agents of citizens at the country level. Extending extant international business literature, this study theoretically integrates various antecedents of foreign direct investments examined discretely in past studies and explains how the natures of governments influence the foreign direct investment decisions. The paper proposes a moderated mediation model where control mechanism such as access to justice moderates the strength of the mediated relationship between democracy and foreign direct investments via absence of corruption, such that the mediated relationship will be stronger under high control mechanism than under low control mechanism. Based on a sample of 90 countries, the empirical results indicate that democracy positively influences the amount of foreign direct investments through absence of corruption. In addition, access to justice moderates the relationships. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.
Name : Shantanu Bagchi Title : Demonstrating Push and Pull Manufacturing Strategies: An Experiential Classroom Activity Using Original Origami Art Authors: Rik Paul, Shantanu Bagchi &Jighyasu Gaur Journal: NjPOperations Management Education Review Volume: Volume 13: 2019, pp. 173-190; URL:
The classroom activity outlined in the paper demonstrates how a conceptual class in Operations Management can be transformed into an activity driven experiential learning exercise to demonstrate the concepts of Push and Pull manufacturing strategies. A six step simple assembly line is designed with the help of student volunteers producing an assembled origami fighter jet that mimics a real life assembly line with different subassembly processes. During the course of the origami fighter jet production, different strategies of Push and Pull manufacturing techniques are applied to the assembly line. The rest of the class observe and document key performance indicators on the basis of which a comparison and contrast is drawn during the debriefing session. This simulated experiential learning exercise is designed to be a part of Operations Management course work and can be performed both for undergraduate and graduate level courses in Operations and works best in classroom size of 30 students and above
Name : Sarath Babu Title : Investors’ attention and American depository receipts pricing: evidence from India Authors: Sarath Babu Journal: Asian Journal of Empirical Research Volume: Vol 9 No 12 December 2019, pp 381-386 URL:
This paper is an attempt to examine the impact of investors? attention on returns and the traded volume of American Depository Receipts prices for selected ten Indian Stocks. The Google search volume index has been used as a proxy for investors? attention in this paper. However, factors such as size and book to market ratio were used to indicate as control variables. The results reveal that investors? attention variable significantly affects ADRs traded volume, but has no impact on the ADR prices.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Motivators and barriers to sustainable food consumption: Qualitative inquiry about organic food consumers in a developing nation Authors: Rambalak Yadav, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Ankur Srivatsava Anees Ahmad Journal: International Journal of Non Profit and Voluntary Sector marketing Volume: Vol 24, No Nov 2019 1-10 URL:
The present research attempts to qualitatively explore the motivators and barriers of
organic food consumption in the Indian context. The data were collected using semi-
structured in‐depth interviews and analyzed using grounded theory. The theoretical
sampling technique was used to interview 34 consumers who have purchased organic
food in the past. The findings reported health consciousness, environmental
consciousness, social identity, consumer ethnocentrism, and concern for farmers as the
factors that motivate organic food purchase among consumers. The factors such as high
prices of organic food, unavailability, trust issues, and limited marketing communications
from the firms were identified as major barriers to organic food purchase and
consumption. The study is one of the initial attempts to qualitatively explore the
consumers motivation for organic food consumption in the Indian context. The findings
will help policymakers to devise suitable strategies so that they can effectively target the
organic food choices by understanding the motivators/barriers, and promote the
sustainable lifestyle in the society, as food consumption plays a crucial role in achieving
environmental sustainability.
Name : Sriharsha Reddy Title : Predictors of Microcredit Default in Indian Self-Help Groups Authors: Debadutta Panda & Sriharsha Reddy Journal: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Volume: Early View Nov 2019 pp 1-18 URL:
This exploratory study was conducted to examine the reasons behind credit defaults in
Self‐help Group‐based microfinance programs in India. The study adopted the
mixed‐method approach. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted to collect
information, and thematic analysis was followed to analyze data to identify the possible
causes of loan defaults in self‐help groups (SHGs). Further, 120 defaulting and 120
performing, SHGs were selected through stratified random sampling method. Finally,
960 respondents were randomly selected from 240 SHGs to collect information for
quantitative inquiry. The ordinary least square (OLS) and profit models were engaged to
process the data. This study identified three important attribution sets causing credit
defaults, (i) bank‐related attributes, (ii) agency related attributes, and (iii) group
dynamics. The probability of defaults in SHGs was predicted by the amount of loan
disbursed by bank, agency's help in enterprise development, age of the microenterprise,
micro-entrepreneurship of the SHG member, SHG visits to the bank, members dropped
out from SHG, tenure of the president and secretary, and monthly membership saving in
the SHG
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Brand it Green: Young consumers’ brand attitudes and purchase intensions toward green brand advertising appeals Authors: Juhi Gahlot Sarkar, Abhigyan Sarkar, & Rambalak Yadav Journal: Young Consumers Volume: Vol 20 No 3 2019 pp 190-227 Aug 2019 URL:
This paper aims to analyze the impacts of distinct advertising appeals on brand attitudes and purchase intentions toward green brands across two different product categories (technology- intensive and technology non-intensive)among the young adult consumers.
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : EnviGreen Biotech: An Eco-friendly Alternative to Plastic Bags Authors: Preshita Neha Tudu & Rambalak Yadav Journal: South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases Volume: Vol 8 No 2 2019 pp 207-214 August 2019 URL:
The case is about EnviGreen Biotech that produces an alternative to plastic bags that is 100 per cent organic, biodegradable and recyclable. The case focuses on how the concept of sustainability is being incorporated into the organization. Currently, the EnviGreen bags are manufactured in India and are being exported to South East Asian and Middle East countries. Along with this, the company has also started manufacturing bags for the organized retailers in India, but still to enter into the retail consumer market. The case ends up with the discussion that whether EnviGreen Biotech should enter into the B2C market in India or not as the products are costlier than plastic bags and price sensitive nature of Indian consumers is a major concern.
Name : Arun Kumar Biswal Title : The Impact of RFID adoption on donor subsidy through for-profit and not-for-profit newsvendor: Implications for Indian Public Distribution system Authors: Arun Kumar Biswal, Mamata Jenamani & Sri Krishna Kumar Journal: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Volume: Vol 69 No 100687 March 2020 URL:
Subsidy programs are sponsored by government and international agencies to improve affordability and accessibility of food and health products for socially deprived community. Although the donors in such programs allocate substantial resources to fund subsidies, a lot of it is wasted due to the inefficiency in the system arising out of product shrinkage and misplacement. This study analyzes the impact of private participation and advanced technology like RFID adoption on the donor subsidy under target consumption level. We formulate the problem as a donor funding the subsidy program through for-profit/not-for-profit newsvendor and compare the equivalent subsidy per consumption with and without RFID. We perform numerical analysis, collecting data from the public distribution system of India, and the results indicate that, unless the for-profit firm operates under a substantially reduced level of shrinkage and misplacement, the donor should always prefer a not-for-profit firm for program implementation. We also observe that among all the scenarios, a not-for-profit firm with advanced technology like RFID requires minimum donor subsidy to generate the target expected consumption.
Name : Mahesh Ramalingam Title : Do Seasonal anomalies still persists? Empirical evidence post-global financial crisis Authors: Mahesh Ramalingam, Muskan Kaur & Dinesh Jaisinghani Journal: The Journal of Contemporary issues in Business and Government Volume: Vol 25 NO 1 pp 44-65 Dec 2019 URL:
The present study examines the presence of seasonal anomalies and volatility clustering in the Malaysian securities market in the post-global financial crisis period. An analysis has been performed for 11 different broad and sectoral indices of the Bursa Malaysia stock exchange. The time frame of one decade post the global financial crisis, that is, from 2009 to 2018, has been chosen for the empirical analysis. The results provide strong support for the existence of the presence of the day-of-theweek effect and the trading-month effect for the Malaysian market. However, there is weak evidence supporting the month-of-the-year effect. The results further highlight significant volatility clustering for the Malaysian market. Moreover, it is also observed that negative shocks generate higher volatility in the Malaysian market, as compared to positive shocks. The overall results confirm that the Malaysian market is not weak-form efficient in the post-global financial crisis period.
Name : Ritesh Kumar Dubey Title : Impact of a Social Media Addiction on Employees’ Wellbeing and Work Productivity’ Authors: Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Chetna Priyadarshini, YLN Kumar and Rajneesh Ranjan Jha Journal: The Qualitative Report Volume: Vol 25 No1 12 January 2020 pp 181-196 URL:
The objective of this study is to gain insights into the experiences of employees regarding their social media usage and consequences of social media overuse at the workplace. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) procedures. The qualitative data was collected from the employees working in renowned IT/ITES companies in India. The themes that emerged are lack of sleep; backache and eye strain; feeling of envy; lack of depth in the relationships; tendency to seek approvals; not meeting deadlines; compromise with the work quality; distraction from work. The present study intends to assist human resource managers in designing appropriate policies and guidelines pertaining to employees’ social media usage at the workplace.
Name : Debadutta Kumar Panda Title : The Dynamics of business ecosystem identity An ethnographic study on an Indian microenterprise clusters Authors: Debadutta Kumar Panda Journal: Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management Volume: Early Cite Publication Date: October 24 2019 URL:
The purpose of this paper is to examine how business ecosystems evolve, what is the identity of business ecosystem and is the ecosystem identity static or dynamics. To understand the above questions, this paper is conducted on stone carving clusters in India.
In the literature on global market integration, the strength of interdependence has been measured in different ways. However, only an accurate measure of strength of interdependence helps in understanding the nature of integration among markets. This article, by employing novel time-frequency based wavelet techniques, analyses the interdependence of global equity markets from a heterogeneous investor perspective, with a special focus on the Indian stock market. With the wavelet framework effectively capturing the heterogeneity of market participants’ space of operation, an analysis grounded in this framework allows one to capture information from a different dimension than the traditional time domain analyses, where the multiscale structures of financial markets are clearly extracted.
Name : Avishek Bhandari Title : Contagion Among Select Global Equity Markets: A Time-Frequency Analysis Authors: Avishek Bhandari & Kamaiah Bandi Journal: Global Economy Journal Volume: Vol 19, No 4 December 2019 URL:
This paper investigates the phenomenon of contagion among some selected global equity markets using novel methods from wavelet-based time-frequency analysis. It surveys some seminal literature on contagion and examines, using both continuous and discrete wavelet methods, the effects of major financial crises on Indian markets. Strong evidence of co-movements in the short run, which indicates contagion, between Indian and some East Asian markets is observed, signifying diversification risks for Indian investors during periods of financial turbulence.
Name : Surajit Ghosh Dastidar Title : A Spreadsheet Template for Forced Grading System Authors: Surajit Ghosh Dastidar Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Volume: Vol 8 No 6 March 2020 URL:
Forced Grading Systems are popular and accepted for evaluating students, particularly in business schools. Under such systems students' numerical test scores are converted to letter grades (A, B, etc.) and awarded in mandated percentages. In common practice, schools mandate that 10% to 15% of students in a class receive As, 25% to 35% Bs, and 40% to 50% Cs. However, instructors must identify what numerical cutoffs satisfy mandated grade distributions, and that tedious effort might entail several solutions. This study introduces an Excel-based template with which instructors can establish numerical cutoffs that distribute students' grades in accord with mandated standards. Results indicate that the spreadsheet template is an efficient tool to evaluate students following the Forced Grading System
Name : Rambalak Yadav Title : Danone India: The Challenges of Expanding into an Emerging Markets Authors: Pallavi Pandey, Rambalak Yadav Journal: South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases Volume: 27 March 2020 (Published) URL:
The case is about struggles of Danone India, a French based firm that envisioned high stakes in the Indian dairy market but had to exit early due to its inability to adapt to the Indian market conditions. The firm had a vision of “giving fresh impetus to the business and conquering the world” that transcended boundaries by providing healthier dairy products to the customers. Danone plans to expand into emerging markets by 2020, an endeavor driving 12 percent of its dairy business. The 22-billion-USD French food giant entered in India in the year 2010. It forayed into India’s dairy market with milk products such as flavored yogurt, buttermilk, cold coffee, curd, and smoothies. Danone was known to excel in its nutrition-based products, which were more than 90 percent of the business in India. However, having covered 200,000 retail outlets in 20 cities once, Danone struggled to expand and failed to capture the Indian dairy market, leading to its exit in 2018
Name : Shantanu Shankar Bagchi Title : Optimal sourcing policies for single and multiple period scenarios Authors: Shantanu Shankar Bagchi and AK Rao Journal: Int. Journal of Operational Research Volume: Vol 38 No 2, March 2020 URL:
Determining the optimum number of suppliers and the optimum quantities to order from each of them is a critical problem for any supply chain. The objective of this paper is to identify the optimal sourcing policy of a retailer for the single and multi-period context when the firm can source its order to multiple suppliers along with a back-up supplier for the emergency situations. The expected total profit is mathematically modelled for single and multi-period scenarios. The optimal sourcing policy is obtained by maximizing the expected total profit with respect to the order quantities. Closed form solution is obtained for uniformly distributed demand for both single and multi-period scenarios. It is observed that the multi-period solution is less sensitive compared to the single-period solution. Also, it is found that it is optimal for the firm to lessen the amount of supplier diversification in case of planning for multiple periods.
Name : Ritesh Kumar Dubey Title : Role of tourism IT adoption and risk management orientation on tourism agility and resilience: Impact on sustainable tourism supply chain performance Authors: Santanu Mandal & Ritesh Kumar Dubey Journal: International Journal of Tourism Research Volume: Published in 16 June 2020 URL:
The study explored the influence of tourism IT adoption and risk management orientation on tourism supply chain agility and resilience that may impact sustainable tourism supply chain performance using dynamic capability view. The study gathered 302 perceptual responses from hotels and tour companies and analyzed using structural equation modeling in AMOS. The study also evaluated for invariance of the proposed model across hotels and tour companies. Furthermore, it also explored if tourism IT adoption and risk management orientation moderates the relationship among agility, resilience and sustainable tourism supply chain performance. Implications for theory and tourism managers were provided.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of sustainable management practices sin the current era. The paper highlights the critical role that HR Professionals play in driving this sustainability agenda in organizations.
The paper intends to address the concerns of brand managers in managing the performance of their brands during recessionary times. This is an exploratory study that uses phenomenological approach for inquiry. The specific purpose is to explore the branding and marketing activities attempted by brand managers in India to increase brand value. The paper begins by evaluating the world of branding and brand equity and sets the context that the actual power of the brand confines in the consumers mind. The paper then discusses the research methodology, results and interpretations. The paper offers insights of branding activities that brand managers can use during economic recession. This paper analyses factors that influence brands’ value and also tries to understand the consumer drivers to buy an appropriate brand. The paper has implications for brand managers in developing economies and evolving markets like India, through which it is possible to effectively manage brands in recessionary times. This paper has great value for in-depth research in future. The paper concludes by stating the research limitations, reflects on the findings from the managerial perspective and identifies the future directions of research.
Name : Tumpa Dey Title : Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship in India Authors: Tumpa Dey Journal: Global Journal of Business Management Volume: Vol 13, No 1, June 2019 URL:
It has long been a struggle and a challenge to define Social Entrepreneurship. Researchers and practitioners over the years are slowly narrowing down to a definition. But that’s the least of the challenges for Social Entrepreneurship. For Social Entrepreneurs, the challenges are many and varied. Among them is the absence of support mechanisms, they have to take high risks in case of investment, lack of innovation, religious backlashes, financial constraints etc. In this paper, the researcher has specially studied two social enterprises: GRAIN and SAFA and enumerated the challenges faced by them. Though these are enterprise specific challenges, these are the barriers faced by all or most of the social enterprises that aims at challenging the socio-economic face of the Society.
Name : Avishek Bhandari Title : Contagion among Indian and Some Developed Equity Markets: A Continuous Wavelet Investigation Authors: Avishek Bhandari Journal: The Empirical Economic Letters Volume: Vol 18, No 6, June 2019 URL:
The empirical research on contagion spans a huge body of work, each with diverse testing
procedures, comprising of advanced modelling techniques where a vast majority of empirical
studies on contagion rely on time domain techniques. This paper investigates the
phenomenon of contagion among Indian and some selected global equity markets using
wavelet based time-frequency analysis and examines the effects of contagion between these
markets. Strong evidence of contagion between some developed markets is revealed.
However, only long run co-movements between Indian market and developed markets exist,
revealing long run interdependence but not contagion.
Name : Sivagnanasundaram Title : Effect of product retail strategy on Frim Value : A Study on Indian Automobile Authors: Sivagnanasundaram Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management Volume: Vol 10, No 6, June 2019 URL:
Product recalls around the world is increasing every day. Whether it is a marketing gimmick or manufacturing problem, its impact on the stake holders is far reaching and can’t be discounted. In order to understand the financial impact on firms, four Indian automobile companies which recalled products were considered for the study. Results of the event study showed that product recall negatively influences the firm value. Strategies to be followed and implications of the same are also presented.
Name : Sarath Babu Title : Risk and Return Analysis of Indian Banking Sector Stocks Authors: Sarath Babu Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management Volume: Vol 10, No 6, June 2019 URL:
This paper examines the three methods of value at risk using stock prices of Indian banking sector. Ten banks stock prices were used for two years period of Oct 2013 to Oct 2015. Three methods of Value at Risk were employed in this paper namely, Historical, Covariance method and Monte Carlo method. Of the three methods examined, Monte Carlo method would help the portfolio manager to reduce the risk.
Name : Mahesh Ramallingam Title : How Effective are your Actions? Impact of perceived consumer effectiveness on green purchasing behavior Authors: Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramallingam Journal: Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Volume: Vol 23, No 1, June 2019 URL:
Although several firms are coming up with green products many of them have not been able to perform effectively. There is an increasing trend among millennials with regards to considering the impact of their purchases on the environment. Among the many factors considered by them two factors which are of prime importance are green trust and price fairness. Our study establishes that perceived consumer effectiveness leads to green purchasing behavior. We have found partial mediation effects for green trust and price fairness. This study offers important implications for academicians and policymakers.
Name : Debadutta Kumar Panda Title : Competitive dynamics in not-for-profit organizations: evidence from India Authors: Debadutta Kumar Panda Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Management Volume: Vol 10, No 5, May 2019 pp 7-15 URL:
The Asia Pacific Journal of Management publishes original manuscripts on management and organizational research in the Asia Pacific region, encompassing Pacific Rim countries and mainland Asia. APJM focuses on the extent to which each manuscript addresses matters that pertain to the most fundamental question: "What determines firm success?" We seek to publish empirical or conceptual research which improves a broad understanding of this issue. APJM endeasvors to be the major vehicle for exchange of ideas and research among management scholars within or interested in the broadly defined Asia Pacific region.
Name : B Pavan Kumar Title : Engaging Diverse Religions at Work Authors: Pavan kumar Balivada Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management Volume: Vol 10, No 5, May 2019 pp 7-15 URL:
The majority of work engagement studies have been conducted using a quantitative approach with limited attention to the institutional and social contexts. Meanwhile, the role of religion in shaping people’s philosophy and behaviour in life and work has been gaining attention from management researchers. The present paper is a explorative paper which focuses on the changing workplace diversity and coping strategies. This paper responds to calls for more focus on contexts and for deeper qualitative investigations into individual dynamics that concern religiosity and work engagement. It provides evidence that religiosity plays an important role in work engagement. Our findings have implications for people management in organizations that have a diverse workforce representing multiple religions.
Name : B Pavan Kumar Title : Recruitment Process Made Easy Authors: Pavan kumar Balivada Tulika Sharma Journal: Journal of Human Resource and Customer Relationship Management Volume: Vol 3, No 1, June 2019 pp 11-15 URL:
With the increased complexity in workplaces of today, the task of hiring requires adapting to the changing times and needs. The article aims at identifying new hiring trends and endeavours to provide solutions thereof. This article is the result of search of online recruitment tools and gives insight into the various recruitment tools available online. These tools can go a long way to ease the recruitment processes.
Name : B Pavan Kumar Title : Personality characteristics and the process of start-up: the moderating role of institutional environment Authors: M Kannadhasan, Pankaj Singh, Parikshit Charan Pavan Kumar Balivada Journal: Decision Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Volume: Vol 45, No 4, December 2018 pp 287-300 URL:
The study investigates the relationship between entrepreneur’s personality characteristics, i.e. need for achievement and internal locus of control, with the process of start-up. Besides, this study examines the role of risk propensity as a mediator in the relationship between personality characteristics and the process of start-up. Also, this study assesses the interaction effects of institutional environment on the relationship between risk propensity and the process of start-ups. Data were collected through a single cross-sectional survey from 478 entrepreneurs in India. The study used partial least squares approach to path modelling to examine the proposed relationship in the research model. After controlling the effects of risk propensity, the results reveal internal locus of control and need for achievement are significantly related to start-up process. Furthermore,the relationship between risk propensity and start-up was moderated by institutional environment. Findings of the study indicate the importance of personal characteristics in the process of start- up. The study also emphasizes how the institutional environment enhances the level of the process of start-up. Moreover, this study is useful in differentiating personality characteristics from non-entrepreneurs.
Name : Devi Prasad Ghosh Title : B2B Social Media Marketing Mix Optimization Model: A Case Study of a SME in Corporate Training Services Authors: Devi Prasad Ghosh Journal: Journal of Advance in Business Management and Accounting Volume: Vol 5, Issue 5, May 19 pp 20-33 URL:
The paper conceptualized a B2B Social Media Marketing Optimization Model by using Linear Programming mathematical technique. Social Media Marketing as part of digital marketing mix is seen as an effective one-to-one communication and an interactive media.s But Social Media Marketing channels suffers from its poor reach compared to other digital media. As a practice, social media marketing is chosen as per ease of operation, lower cost and not on any quantitative measurements. The optimization model is first of its type since it uses media effectiveness (reach), media efficiency (Cost) and media quality (engagement) as the basis for building the optimization model. The concept presented takes into account complete cost of social media marketing that includes operations cost, production cost and design cost. The other model limits cost of Social Media Marketing to media cost only and usually account for production cost and design cost as a common marketing support cost, which in social media cases may consume a large portion of resources and cost. This also create problems to ascertain the cost in case of owned media or earned media where paid media cost is zero. The model also present a case that if Social Media Marketing Mix is chosen on basis of mathematical calculation, the outcome can be enhanced.
Name : Devi Prasad Ghosh Title : Commercial Industrial Sector for Energy Storage Solutions in India: A Case Study of Exicom Power Solutions Authors: Devi Prasad Ghosh Journal: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: Vol 6, Issue 5, May 19 pp 6696-6705 URL:
The report examines the role and value of energy storage in the context of electricity systems that are expected to absorb increasing quantities of time variable electricity generation from renewable sources in the years ahead. Particular attention is given to India with its vast renewable energy potential and limited interconnection with the major electricity loads. Energy storage technologies cover a wide range of levels of development from mature technologies like pumped hydro with over 50 years of operational experience, to technologies still under development such as solid-state batteries, flow batteries and flywheel- based energy storage solutions and all of these are reviewed. The competitive analysis is done to understand the strengths and weakness of Exicom in respect to its competitors. A secondary market research is done on the total scope and potential of Energy storage solutions in India and then particularly in the Commercial & Industrial (C&I) sector. Analysis and Assessment of state-wise scope of Energy storage solutions in India is also done to know about the most prominent states in which energy storage solutions would be more efficient for the penetration in the C&I sector. The key drivers for the Energy storage solutions are Power Cuts and outages, Diesel Generator Replacement and low carbon emissions. The projections are done for the year 2020 and 2022 and conclusions are drawn in the end with Rajasthan, J&K, and Delhi being few of the states where there is high potential for energy storage solutions.
Name : Sivagnanasundaram Title : Effect of packaging on Perfume purchase decision of consumers Authors: Sivagnanasundaram Journal: Journal of Management Research and Analysis Volume: Vol 6, No 1, March 2019 pp 6-20 URL:
Like any other cosmetics and personal grooming items, the purchase decision for perfumes is also a complex one. Consumers take in to account factors such as brand image, price, fragrance, and of course package of the product. This study was conducted to understand how the elements of packaging viz. Shape, color, and material of the perfume container. Further role of gender on preference also studied. The results obtained from the study showed that men prefer cubical or cuboid shape of containers over cylindrical whereas women preferred cylindrical containers over cuboid and cubical containers. When it comes to color of the container men preferred black containers over blue and red containers whereas women preferred red over blue and black containers. Similarly with regard to type of material no difference in terms preference in case of both gender. Implications for practice also discussed.
Name : Tulika Sharma Title : Evolution of New Communication Patterns: A Case of Social Media Authors: Tulika Sharma Journal: Journal of Management Research and Analysis Volume: Vol 6, No 1, March 2019 pp 50-58 URL:
Communication is basically the demonstration of exchanging data starting with one place to another. In spite of the fact that this is a basic definition, when we consider how we may convey the subject, it turns to be significantly more perplexing. There are different categories of communication and more than one may occur whenever. Through the study, the aim is to understand how communication has evolved and how patterns have emerged over the years giving special priority to the internet and social media. The study explores the new patterns that have emerged specifically in business communication and also how businesses have started interacting with their customers/potential consumers.
Name : Tumpa Dey Title : Sexual harassment in organizations: An investigation of the #Me Too movement in India Authors: Tumpa Dey Journal: International Journal of Advance Research and Development Volume: Vol 4, No 5, May 2019 pp 61-73 URL:
Sexual harassment has been and still continues to be a major issue across countries and different industries. It does not matter whether the workplace is a construction site with daily wage earners or an MNC where people come from highly qualified backgrounds. Often employees’ faces low job satisfaction and high attrition because of such unwanted incidents. An insecure and hostile work environment is created by Sexual Harassment, which hampers the person’s work efficiency by adversely affecting their social and economic growth. Safety of people is of grave concern and a lot has been written and talked about it. But these conversations have always been a hush-hush one. Majority of this harassment takes place because the victims prefer not to report and because people do not come forward to help the victims. The paper aims at highlighting different legal implications of sexual harassment along with the present situation of sexual harassment at the workplace.
Name : Manoj Das Title : Employer branding and its impact on employee performance Authors: Manoj Das Journal: Journal of management research and analysis Volume: Vol 6, No 1, March 2019 pp 248-253 URL:
Over the last few decades consumers have become smore and more attached to their online consumption of goods and entertainment. With people increasingly spending so much time online for various things such as chatting on Facebook, creating stories on instagram etc., it has become an integral part of our lives. As a result of which there is a blurring of boundaries between the real world and the digital world, thereby attracting the fascination of academicians and they are trying to understand what implications it will have on people and how can it benefit companies. This study concludes by highlighting a review about digital extended self, its conclusions etc.