
Research Publications

Research Publications

IMT Hyderabad faculty members have published their research papers in journals like European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part –E, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Food and Quality Preferences, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Ecological Economics, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Emerging Markets Review, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operational Research, Economic and Political Weekly, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Int Journal of Nonprofit and voluntary sector marketing, Young Consumers, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Journal of Economic Issues, Managerial and Decision Economics, Journal of Global Operations & Strategic Sourcing, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary & Non-profit Organizations, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Performance Improvement Quarterly, The Service Industries Journal, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Services Marketing Quarterly, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organization, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Business Process Management Journal, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Management Decision, Journal of Global Information Management, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Resources Policy, Energy Policy, Technological forecasting and social Change, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Public Administration Quarterly, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Finance Research Letters, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Logistics Management.

Our faculty members have published their management cases with reputed Publishes like, HARVARD & IVEY

Prof. Rambalak Yadav was appointed as Guest Editor for one of the Special issue for top rated ournal “International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Markeing”

Prof (Dr) Rambalak Yadav was appointed as a Member in the Editorial Review Board (ERB) in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour (Wiley Publication)

Journal Publications


  • Arun kumar Biswal, Mamata Jenaamani & Sri krishna Kumar, “Warehouse efficiency improvement using RFID in a humanitarian supply chain: Implications for Indian food security system”, Transportation Research Part –E.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Arijit De, "Maritime Fuel Price Prediction of European Ports using Least Square Boosting and Facebook Prophet: Additional Insights from Explainable Artificial Intelligence", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
  • Rambalak Yadav, MS Balaji, Charles Jebarajakirthy, “How psychological and contextual factors contribute to travelers’ propensity to choose green hotels”, International Journal of Hospitality Management.
  • Shalini Talwar, Puneet Kaur, Rambalak Yadav, Rajat Sharma & Amandeep Dhir, “Food waste and out-of-home-dining: antecedents and consequents of the decision to take away leftovers after dining at restaurants”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya, Kannan Govindan, Surajit Ghosh Dastidar, Preeti Sharma, “Applications of artificial intelligence in closed-loop supply chains: Systematic literature review and future research agenda”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya, Kannan Govindan, Surajit Ghosh Dastidar, Preeti Sharma, “Applications of artificial intelligence in closed-loop supply chains: Systematic literature review and future research agenda”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
  • Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi, “Managing the misbehaving retailer under demand and uncertainty and imperfect information”, European Journal of Operational Research.


  • Arun Kumar Biswal, A., Jenamani M., & Krishna Kumar, “Product subsidy and expected consumption with inventory inaccuracy: Implications of RFID adoption in Indian Public Distribution System”, Computers & Industrial Engineering.
  • Ata Assaf, Husni Chariff, Avishek Bhandari, & Dr Ender Demir, "Multivariate Long Memory Structure in the Cryptocurrency Markets: The Impact of COVID-19", International Review of Financial Analysis.
  • Chakrapani Chaturvedula, NP Bang, Nikhil Rastogi, S Kumar, Price Manipulation, Front Running and Bulk Trades Evidence from India”, Emerging Markets Review.
  • Pradeep kumar Mohanty, Archana Patro, R.M. Harindranatha, N. Senthil Kumar,Debadutta Kumar Panda & Ritesh Dubey, “Perceived government initiatives: Scale development, validation and impact on consumers' pro-environmental behaviour” Energy Policy
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Competitive dynamics in not-for-profit organizations: evidence from India”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda “Postioning Strategies of Indian Nonprofit Organizations for Grant Acquisition” Public Administration Quarterly
  • Deviprasad Ghosh & Satyabhusan Dash, “Barriers and facilitators of B2B degree of digital use and brand engagement: an integration of technology and behavioral perspectives” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
  • Esha Saha, Pradeep Rathore, Ratri Parida, & Nripendra P Rana, "The interplay of emerging technologies in pharmaceutical supply chain performance: An empirical investigation for the rise of Pharma 4.0", Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Rabin k Jana, Indranil Ghosh, Debajyoti Das,& Anupam Dutta, “Determinants of electronic waste generation in Bitcoin network: Evidence from the machine learning approach” Technological forecasting and social Change
  • Rabin k Jana, Indranil Ghosh, Martin W Wallin, "Taming energy and electronic waste generation in bitvoin mining: Insights from feedback prohet and deep neural network" Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, Fredj Jawadi, Gazi Salah Uddin & Ricardo M. Sousa, "Coivd 19 news and the US equity market interactions: An inspection through econometrics and machine learning lens", Annals of Operations Research.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Tamal Datta Chaudhuri, Esteban Alfaro-Cortes, Matias Gamez,& Noelia Garcia, "A hybrid approach to forecasting futures prices with simultaneous consideration of optimality in ensemble feature selection and advanced artificial intelligence", Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Rabin K Jana, & Indranil Ghosh, "Time -varying relationship between geopolitical uncertainty and agricultural investment ", Finance Research Letters.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortes, Matiz Gamez & Noelia Garfa, "Do travel uncertainty and invasion rhetoric spur Metaverse financial asset? -Gauging the role of media Influence", Finance Research Letters.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García-Rubio, "Prediction and interpretation of daily NFT and DeFi prices dynamics: Inspection through ensemble machine learning & XAI", International Review of Financial Analysis.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K. Jana, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, "An ensemble machine learning framework for Airbnb rental price modeling without using amenity-driven features", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, "A granular machine learning framework for forecasting high-frequency financial market variables during the recent black swan event", Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Rabin K. Jana, Indranil Ghosh, P. N. Ram Kumar, "An explainable AI-enabled granular ensemble machine learning framework to demystify fertilizer price movements", Journal of the Operational Research Society.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, "Clean energy stock price forecasting and response to macroeconomic variables: A novel framework using Facebook's Prophet, NeuralProphet and explainable AI", Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K. Jana, Roubaud David, Oksana Grebinevych, Peter Wanke, Yong Tan, "Modelling financial stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Prediction and deeper insights", International Review of Economics & Finance.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García-Rubio, "Reflections of public perception of Russia-Ukraine conflict and Metaverse on the financial outlook of Metaverse coins: Fresh evidence from Reddit sentiment analysis", International Review of Financial Analysis.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Amith Vikram Megaravalli, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, Kazim Topuz , "Prediction and decoding of metaverse coin dynamics: a granular quest using MODWT-Facebook’s prophet-TBATS and XAI methodology", Annals of Operations Research.
  • Gunjan Malhotra & Mahesh Ramalingam “Does Impact of Campaign and Consumer Guilt help in exploring the role of National Identity and Purchase Decisions of Consumers” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  • Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam "Why do you look familiar? Exploring the role of Employee-Customer identification in adopting the service offering" International Journal of Bank Marketing.
  • Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam "What drives product involvement and satisfaction with OFDs amid Covid-19", Journal of retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Gunjan Malhotra, Mahesh Ramalingam, "Perceived anthropomorphism and purchase intention using artificial intelligence technology: examining the moderated effect of trust", Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
  • Mahesh Ramalingam, Manoj Das, "To praise or not to praise- Role of word of mouth in food delivery apps", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam "Why do you look familiar? Exploring the role of Employee-Customer identification in adopting the service offering" International Journal of Bank Marketing.
  • Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramalingam "What drives product involvement and satisfaction with OFDs amid Covid-19", Journal of retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Manoj Das, Mahesh Ramalingam, "To praise or not to praise- Role of word of mouth in food delivery apps", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Neetu Mohammed, Abraham Cyril Issac, "Are you so good that they can't ignore you? Effect of coworker support on knowledge sharing through an affective events theory perspective", American Business Review.
  • Nikhil Rastogi, Nagi Reddy, & Kiran Kumar Kotha, “Order imbalance and returns: Evidence from India”, International Journal of Managerial Finance.
  • Nitin Gupta, “Impact of Globalization on Consumer Acculturation: A Study of Urban, Educated, Middle Class Indian Consumers”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
  • Nitin Gupta, “Globalization Does Lead to Change in Consumer Behaviour: An empirical Evidence of Impact of Globalization on Changing Materialistic Values in Indian Consumers and its Aftereffects”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
  • Pranay Sindhu, Kumkum Bharti, "What motivates customers to purchase from social commerce pages? A means-end chain approach", Information Technology & People.
  • Aishwarya Dash, Pushpesh Pant, S. P. Sarmah, M K Tiwari, "The impact of IoT on manufacturing firm performance: the moderating role of firm-level IoT commitment and expertise", International Journal of Production Research.
  • Krishna Kumar Dadsena, Pushpesh Pant, Sanjoy Kumar Paul, Saurabh Pratap, "Overcoming strategies for supply chain digitization barriers: Implications for sustainable development goals", Business Strategy and the Environment.
  • Yatish Joshi, Rambalak Yadav & Amith Shankar “The interplay of emotional value, trend affinity and past practices in sustainable consumption: an application of theory of reciprocal determinism” Journal of Strategic Marketing
  • Charles Jebarajakirthy, Rambalak Yadav, & Amith Shankar “Insights for luxury retailers to reach customers globally”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning.
  • Gyan Prakash, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Rambalak Yadav, “Application of consumer style inventory (CSI) to predict young Indian consumer’s intention to purchase organic food products”, Food Quality and Preferences
  • Rambalak Yadav & Govind S Pathak, “Determinants of Consumer’ Green Purchase Behavior in a developing Nation: Applying and Extending the theory of a Planned behavior”, Ecological Economics.
  • Rambalak Yadav, “Altruistic or egoistic: Which value promotes organic food consumption among young consumers? A study in the context of a developing nation”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Rambalak Yadav & Govind S Pathak, “Young Consumers’ intension towards buying green products in a developing nation: Extending the theory of planned behavior”, Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Amit Shankar & Rambalak Yadav “Understanding the impact of CSR domain on brand relationship quality” Marketing Intelligence and planning
  • Naman Sreen, Rambalak Yadav, Sushant Kumar, & Mark Gliem “The impact of the institutional environment on green consumption in India” Journal of Consumer Marketing
  • Vikas Chauhan, Rambalak Yadav, Vipin Choudhary, "Analyzing the impact of consumer innovativeness and perceived risk in internet banking adoption: A Study of Indian consumers", International Journal of Bank Marketing.
  • Sushant Kumar & Rambalak Yadav “The impact of shopping motivation on sustainable consumption: A study in the context of green apparel” Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Shalini Talwar, Puneet Kaur. Rambalak Yadav, Anil Bilgihan & Amandeep Dhir, “What drives diners' eco-friendly behaviour? The moderating role of planning routine”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
  • Shankar A, Rambalak Yadav, Manish Gupta, & Charles Jebarajakirthy, “How Does Online Engagement Drive Consumers’ Webrooming Intention?:A Moderated-Mediation Approach”, Journal of Global Information Management.
  • Deepak Sangroya, Rambalak Yadav, & Yatish Joshi “Does gamified interaction strong consumer-brand connection? A study of mobile applications” Australasian Journal of Information Systems
  • Santanu Mandal & Ritesh Kumar Dubey, “Role of tourism IT adoption and risk management orientation on tourism agility and resilience: Impact on sustainable tourism supply chain performance:”, International Journal of Tourism Research
  • Power, J.L, Brotheridge, C.M, Blenkinsopp, J., Bowes-Sperry, L,Bozionelos,N., Buzády,Z. , Chuang,A., Drnevich,D, Garzon-Vico,A, Leighton,C.,Madero, S.M., Mak,W., Romina Mathew, Monserrat,S.I, Mujtaba,B.G, Olivas-Lujan,M.R.,Polycroniou,P, Sprigg,C.A, Axtell,C, Holman,D, Ruiz-Gutiérrez,J.A, Nnedumm, A. U. O. “Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents”, Journal of Business Research
  • Saikat Banerjee, Amith Karna & Sunil Sharma, "Imprinting effects of exposure to the Indian independence movement on export intensity of firms", Journal of Business Research.
  • Shantanu Bagchi & PS Sundararaghavan, “Optimal Order split between local and global suppliers under stochastic yield and demand”, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research.
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya & Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi, "Barriers to Circular Supply Chain: the case of unorganized tire retreading in India " International Journal of Logistics Management.
  • Kahn Md. Raziuddin Taufique & Sridhar Vaithianathan, “A Fresh look at understanding Green consumer behavior among young urban Indian consumers through the lens of Theory of Planned Behavior”, Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Mishra, Vishal, Sridhar Viathianathan, “Customer personality and relationship satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Indian banking sector”, The International Journal of Bank Marketing
  • Anoop S Kumar and Steven Raj Padakandla "Testing the safe-haven properties of Gold and Bitcoin in the backdrop of Covid-19: A wavelet quantile correlation approach", Finance Research Letters
  • Anoop S Kumar and Steven Raj Padakandla , “Do NFTs act as a good hedge and safe haven against Cryptocurrency fluctuations?” Finance Research Letters
  • Pravesh Kumar Padamwar, Jagrook Dawra, and Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi, “The impact of range extension on the attraction effect” Journal of Business Research
  • Parvesh Kumar Padamwar, Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi & Jagrook Dawr "Deliberation does not make attraction effect disappear: The role of induced cognitive reflection" Journal of Business Research.
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya & Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi "Barriers to Circular Supply Chain: the case of unorganized tire retreading in India " International Journal of Logistics Management.


  • Katherine Rosenbusch, Krishna Gajjar, Aindrila Chatterjee, Sonal Soni, “Non-profit crisis leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic in India and the United States” Human Resource Development International.
  • Amith Vikram Megaravalli, “Initial public offering: a critical review of literature” Qualitative Research in Financial Markets.
  • Avishek Bhandari & Kamaiah Bandi,“Time-varying Nature of Stock Market Interdependence: A Global Perspective”, Economic and Political Weekly.
  • Avishek Bhandari & Kamiah Bandi,“On the Dynamic of Inflation-Stock Returns in India”, Journal of Quantitative Economics.
  • Avishek Bhandari & Bandi Kamaiah "Long Memory and Fractality Among Global Equity Markets: a Multivariate Wavelet Approach," Journal of Quantitative Economics.
  • Chauhan, Y., Kumar, K. K., & Chakrapani Chaturvedula, “Information Asymmetry and Information Content of Insider Trades: Evidence from Indian Stock Market”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Predictors of Microcredit Default in Indian Self-Help Groups”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Role of Identity in the business ecosystem: an inquiry in Indian stone carving clusters”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Misaligned Expectations and Non-Cooperative Behavior in Indian Microfinance: Evidences from a Survey”, Journal of Economic Issues,
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Entrepreneurial Orientation, Intermediation Services, Microfinance, and Microenterprises”, Managerial and Decision Economics.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Public Private Partnerships and Value Creation: the Role of Relationship Dynamics”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Trust, Social Capital, and Intermediation Roles in Microfinance and Microenterprise Development”, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Organizational collaboration, hybrid structure, governance and value creation: Evidence from Indian public-private partnerships. Emergence: Complexity and Organization
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Impact of organizational culture on strategic planning” Management Decision
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, “The green identity and green strategy: an interplay” Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.
  • Debadutta Kumar Panda, Sriharsha Reddy & Sridhar Viathianathan, “Does the Cashless transaction work? An analysis of policy challenges in an emerging economy” Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
  • Pradeep Rathore, Esha Saha, Sayan Chakraborty, & Aviral Kumar Tiwar, "Assessing impact of consumer perceived CSR on consumer attitude and purchase behaviour in retail segment: a stakeholder theory perspective", Society and Business Review.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Tamal Datta, Chaudhari Esteban Alfaro-Cortes, and Matias Gamez Martinez ,“Estimating the relative effects of raw material prices, sectoral outlook and market sentiment on stock prices” Resources Policy
  • Indranil Ghosh, Rabin K Jana, Paritosh Pramanik, "New Business capacity of developed, developing and least developing economies: inspection through state-of-the-art fuzzy clustering and PSO-GBR frameworks", Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  • Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez, Noelia García-Rubio, “COVID-19 Media Chatter and Macroeconomic Reflectors on Black Swan: A Spanish and Indian Stock Markets Comparison” Risks.
  • Kalyana Chejarla, Omkarprasad S. Vaidya & Sushil Kumar “MCDM application in logistics performance evaluation: A literature review” Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
  • Manish Gupta, Musarrat Shaheen & Manoj Das “Engaging Employees for Quality of Life: Mediation by Psychological capital”, The Service Industries Journal
  • Manoj Das and Mahesh Ramallingam “How Effective are your Actions? Impact of perceived consumer effectiveness on green purchasing behaviour” Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
  • Mahesh Ramalingam, Debadutta Kumar Panda, “Managerial networking behavior for grant acquisition in nonprofits: an application of the behavioral reasoning theory (BRT)” International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing.
  • Mahesh Ramalingam, Manoj Das, “From Clicks to Cuisine: Unveiling the Impact of Attitude and Positive Word of Mouth in Food Delivery App Usage” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing.
  • Gunjan Malhotra, Mahesh Ramalingam , “Unlocking omnichannel capabilities to understand consumer retention: unravelling cross-channel integration and consumer empowerment” Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  • Bose, Sunny and Nitin Gupta, “Customer perceptions of services based on SERVQUAL dimensions: A study of Indian commercial banks”, Services Marketing Quarterly.
  • Nitin Gupta, “Extent of Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence and Price Sensitivity among Indian Youth. Is there a Relationship between these Two Constructs?”, Young Consumers.
  • Nitin Gupta, “Understanding Acculturation of Consumer Culture in an Emerging Market – An Analysis of Urban, Educated, Middle-class Indian Consumers”, International Journal of Emerging Markets
  • Ankur Srivastava, Nitin Gupta, & Nripendra P Rana,“Influence of consumer cosmopolitanism on purchase intention of foreign vs local brands: a developing country perspective”, International Journal of Emerging Markets.
  • Nikhil Rastogi, Satish Kumar,“Does bankruptcy law affect the relation between leverage and firm performance?”, Indian Growth and Development Review.
  • Purnima S. Sangle, Preety Awasthi,”Consumer’s expectations from mobile CRM services: a banking context”, Business Process Management Journal
  • Preety Awasthi, Purnima S. Sangle,”Adoption of CRM technology in multichannel environment: a review (2006-2010)”. Business Process Management Journal
  • Preety Awasthi, Purnima S. Sangle, ” The importance of value and context for mobile CRM services in banking”, Business Process Management Journal
  • Pushpesh Pant, Pradeep Rathore, Krishna kumar Dadsena, Bhaskar Shandilya, “Working capital and firm performance: role of COVID-19 disruption” International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
  • Pushpesh Pant, Shantanu Dutta, S.P. Sarmah, “Structural Supply Chain Complexity Index and Construct Validity: A Data-Driven Empirical Approach” International Journal of Emerging Markets.
  • Pushpesh Pant, Rohit Yadav, Abhinav Vats, “Interplay between CSR, female director, promoter ownership and firm performance: a resource orchestration theory perspective.” Managerial Finance.
  • Rambalak Yadav, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Ankur Srivastava & Anees Ahmad “Motivators and barriers to sustainable food consumption: Qualitative inquiry about organic food consumers in a developing nation”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing.
  • Vikas Chauhan, Rambalak Yadav & Vipin Choudhary, “Adoption of Electronic Banking services in India: an Extension of UTAUT2 Model “Journal of Financial Services Marketing
  • Juhi Gahlot Sarkar, Abhigyan Sarkar, & Rambalak Yadav, “Brand it Green: Young consumers’ brand attitudes and purchase intensions toward green brand advertising appeals”,Young Consumers.
  • Deepak Jaiswal, Rishi kant,Pankaj Kumar Singh & Rambalak Yadav, “Investigating the role of electric vehicle knowledge in consumer adoption: evidence from an emerging market”, Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  • Tavleen Kaur & Ritesh Kumar Dubey, “Employee Review Websites as Source of Recruitment Communication: The Role of Source Credibility, Realistic Information, and Specific Information”, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organization
  • Saikat Banerjee, ”The dark shadow of corruption on new product development", Benchmarking: An International Journal Place it in alphabetical order
  • Santanu Mandal, Sarath Babu, Raghu Raman, ”TGen Zs and millennials’ orientation towards AI tools: an index approach", Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
  • Shantanu Shankar Bagchi, Jighyasu Gaur, "Optimization of postponement process for a two stage modular manufacturer", Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
  • Sriharsha Reddy, “Predictors of Microcredit Default in Indian Self-Help Groups”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
  • Debadutta Panda, Rohit Bhardwaj, Tulika Sharma, Sriharsha Reddy, “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Navigating Through the Covid Pandemic in India: an Examination Through the Systems Approach” Systemic Practice and Action Research.
  • Steven Raj Padakandla, “Climate sensitivity of rice yields: An agro climatic zone analysis in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh, India”, Journal of Public Affairs
  • Steven Raj Padakandla & Avishek Bhandari, “Does climate impact vary across time horizons? A time–frequency analysis of climate-crop yields in India” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  • Debadutta Panda, Rohit Bhardwaj, Tulika Sharma, Sriharsha Reddy, “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Navigating Through the Covid Pandemic in India: an Examination Through the Systems Approach” Systemic Practice and Action Research.


  • Kalyan Chejarla, Sourabh Bhattacharya & Siddhartha Modukuri, “Butterfly Edufields: Different Shades of Capacity” IVEY Publishing
  • Kalyan Chejarla, “CenturyPly Laminates: Redesigning the Supply Chain” IVEY Publishing
  • Kalyan C Chejarla “ElasticRun: Pathways to Growth" IVEY Publishing, Publication date: 02 August 2023.
  • Nikhil Rastogi “Ashiana Housing Ltd: The Right Time to invest" IVEY Publishing, Publication date: 25 Sept 2020
  • Nikhil Rastogi “Snowman Logistics Ltd: What Ails It?" IVEY Publishing, Publication date: 20 January 2023.
  • Nitin Gupta, “Mahindra Electric Mobility Limited: The Electric Vehicles Dilemma” IVEY Publishing, 9B18A062, October 2018
  • Nitin Gupta, “Tata’s Air India: Brand Repositioning and Revitalization Challenges” IVEY Publishing, W34124, Published : 8 January, 2024
  • Nitin Gupta, “Tata Motors: Challenges for the Electric Vehicle Market Leader ” IVEY Publishing, W33811, Published : 12 January, 2024
  • Rambalak Yadav & Pallavi Pandey, “Bakeys Cutlery; An Innovative Sustainable Product”, IVEY Publishing
  • Rajita Singh, Romina Mathew, Anjali Bhole Desai, Sudhanshu Bhatt, “SEmployee Advocate or Company Custodian: Choosing Sides in a Sexual " IVEY Publishing, Publication date: 14 March 2023.
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya, Kalyan Chejarla & N Ravichandran, “Butterfly Edufields: Value Chain Reconfiguration” IVEY Publishing
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya, Romina Mathew and Rambalak Yadav “NILAGAI FOODS: Positioning Packaged Coconut Water in India IVEY Publishing
  • Sourabh Bhattacharya and Srividya Raghavan, “Bajaj RE60: The Branding Challenge of Disruptive Innovation”, IVEY Publishing
  • Ritu Singh and Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi “KAPS FOODS INDIA PVT. LTD.: DAT A MISMANAGEMENT” IVEY Publishing
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