

CII CFO Conclave : Embracing ESG - Driving Sustainable Growth and Value Creation

Prof. (Dr) Sriharsha Reddy, Director, IMT Hyderabad moderated deliberations on the theme 'Embracing ESG - Driving Sustainable Growth and Value Creation' during 4th edition of CFO Conclave organized by CII Telangana on 16 June 2023 in Hyderabad.

Mr Anirban Ghosh, Head, Centre for Sustainability, Mahindra University, Dr Sujiv Nair, Global CHRO, ReSustainability, Mr Nachiket Das, Director - ESG, Deloitte shared insights on necessity of ESG and ways of creating value to stakeholders through ESG initiatives. During opening remarks, Dr Sriharsha Reddy appealed to the CFO delegates in the conclave to focus on creating  economic value, social value and ecological value for the long term sustainable growth of the businesses.

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