SCIENCE OF SLEEP : A complex dimension

It is quite an unpopular opinion that we talk about the sciences behind our day-to-day activities. The science of sleep is a complex yet fascinating field that explores how and why we sleep as well as its impact on our health. Let us take some time to care about what the science of sleep explains one important aspects of our health! Our sleeping habits and patterns will change depending on your routines, but while we sleep we will go through multiple stages of sleep.

    1. Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep

  • Stage 1 – This is the stage of transition when you start to transition from wakefulness to sleep. When you are in this sleeping stage, you may have muscle jerks and feel like you are falling.
  • Stage 2 – At this stage, it is noticed that the heart rate slows down and the body temperature drops. This stage is basically considered to be called the 50% completion of our total sleep.
  • Stage 3 – Often known as deep sleep or slow-wave sleep. This stage is crucial for physical rejuvenation and growth.

  • 2. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

    This is the stage where most of our dreaming occurs. It is witnessed by the rapid eye movements, directing towards the increased brain activity and temporary paralysis of muscles. It plays a major role in memory consolidation, emotional regulation and cognitive functions.

    Ever thought of what element regulates the sleep wake cycle over a 24-hour period? The Circadian Rhythms! They are influenced by external factors, primarily light and temperature. We are all either Morning Larks or Night Owls, and the fascinating fact about this is that it is genetically obtained. Yes! That’s true. Most teenagers are night owls, but as they age, they tend to become morning oriented. This is why you see that your once night-owl parents and grandparents today are morning people!

    Now that we know that sleep is important, we must also know of the tips that would better sleep hygiene: -

  • Maintaining a Regular Sleep Schedule – Weekday and Weekend schedules should not be different.
  • Comfortable sleep environment – Ensure that the sleeping quarters are dark, cool, and quiet. Purchasing a comfortable pillow and mattress can aid in achieving restful sleep.
  • Reduce Screen Time - Keep away from screens for at least an hour before sleep, so that blue light exposure does not interfere with melatonin, which governs sleep cycles.
  • Be Aware of What You Eat and Drink - Avoid eating heavy meals, caffeine or alcohol within a couple of hours of sleeping, as it can negatively affect sleep patterns.
  • Engage in the habits of Relaxation Rituals – Prior to going to bed, devote the hour to relaxation activities. These rituals can be reading your favourite book, meditating, or taking a warm tub bath.

Once we familiarize ourselves with sleep stages, the biological function of circadian rhythms, and how sleep affects our wellbeing, we can then act to improve our sleep quality. Good sleep hygiene will not only make it easier for us to feel rested, but will also allow our physical health, emotional wellbeing and cognitive function thrive.

Sleep well, live well!

Template Source: href="https://www.cnet.com/health/sleep/sleeping-with-robots-how-artificial-intelligence-transformed-my-sleep/

About the author,

    Saei Kandre

A girl who is a keen learner, listener, observer and loves to write. She is full of energy and enthusiasm who connects with the nature in all her moods. She is passionate about dance, sports and is always open for new experiences. Has a bachelor’s degree in commerce and is inclined towards finance.

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